Time Jump

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Bella: It's my sweet sixteen me and brother birthday we will be sharing it.
Prince: So what kinda car do you want?
Bella: You know a Mercedes G wagon
Prince: Daddy would buy you that but not me
Bella: He would have faith bro
Prince: Let's see (Zac comes down stairs)
Zac: You guys discussing party plans?
Bella: Yes sir we are
Zac: Good (Fatima follows)
Fatima: Hey babies
Prince: Mom Bella and I decided
Fatima; On a car?
Prince: G wagons
Zac; Hell no
Bella: Come on daddy please
Zac; No
Prince: See I told you
Fatima; Zac
Zac; G wagons Fatima not gone happen
Makayla:(walks in) Mommy Landon won't stop following me
Landon; You told me you was gone play the game with me Kayla
Zac: Landon set it up I got you
Landon; Okay daddy

Scene switches to Danni and Penelope

Danni;Absolutely not
Penelope: Mommy please I start high school
Danni: Hell no you ain't wearing that to school come on Penelope let's go to another store
Penelope; Fine (walks off)
Danni; Little girl you testing my patients let's go home you can online shop
Penelope; I guess so (they head home)
Danni; Penelope?
Penelope: Yes
Danni: You want chick fil a?
Penelope; Please?
Danni: Okay let's get out and get it
Penelope: Fine (they go in and order and head home)

Preston:(Danni and Penelope walk in) Hey ladies
Pj: What's wrong Penelope?
Danni; She wanted to wear thirsty trap clothes
Preston; Not for your freshmen year
Pj: Right mom I'm go meet up with the fellas we gone go skate board
Danni; Okay as long as your daddy is okay with it
Preston; I know about it
Danni; Okay bye ( PJ leaves and starts walking down the road and a car pulls up and he stops)
Bella: Hop in
PJ:(looks around and gets in) Did anyone see you?
Bella: Hell no but we don't got a lot time so let's go
Pj; Okay drive (Bella speeds off)

Karen calls Bella she doesn't answer and she calls her again.
Bella: (Pj kissing on Bella) Shit my mommy keeps calling me I got take this so chill.
PJ: Hurry up
Bella: Hey mommy
Karen; Don't Hey mommy me where are you?
Fatima; You better be going to the store
Bella: I am
Karen:(walks away) You better hurry up Aaron is looking for you I told you go say hi and bye not go do something that get us both caught
Bella; Sorry leaving now bye mommy
Karen; Mhmm

(Karen walks back in the room and Zac and Aaron look at her)
Zac; Where is Bella?
Aaron; Yeah I called her
Karen; She is coming
Celeste; I hope she not with her boyfriend
Fatima: Here Celeste a Cookie
Celeste: Yes a Cookie
Zac: A boyfriend
Karen; Trust me she don't got one of them problems
Zac: Mhmm she better not (Preston Danni Penelope and Princess walk in)

Danni; Hey guys
Preston; Hey everyone
Fatima: Where is PJ?
Danni: He riding with Bella
Karen; Yeah that's right
Zac: They been spending alot time together
Preston; They have but they been close for years
Aaron; They have but Bella did ask me the other day if she could date
Zac: Me too
Aaron; I told her no she not ready to date and she got mad
Zac: Good job Aaron (Pj and Bella walk in)

Bella: Hey everyone
Zac: Where you been PJ?
Pj: Skate park
Bella; Me too
Zac: Come give daddy a hug?
Bella; Daddy I been sweating oh mommy here are your keys
Zac; I don't care come on (Bella hugs Zac)
Bella: Better now
Zac: Mhmm you smell like PJ tho
Bella: We was in the car together dad
Zac: Mhmm
Preston: Leave them alone they ain't doing nothing
Danni: Right Bella and PJ are good kids
Karen: Let's eat enough about them go get washed up Bella and PJ
Zac: PJ you shower down here not upstairs I don't want you getting any ideas
PJ: Yes besides Bella is like a sister to me (Bella looked at him)

Zac; Aaron
Aaron: I see
Karen; Can you guys stop being so messy shit Fatima: Right (they go eat and Fatima goes to talk to Bella)
Bella: Hey mommy Ti
Fatima; Hey my Bella you okay?
Bella: PJ hurt my feelings
Fatima: He got cover it baby you know he loves you
Bella; I know but I wish my daddy would understand
Fatima: He will one day hopefully he does the same to Makayla
Bella: But not Prince it's not fair (Karen walks in)
Karen:Come on baby bug
Bella; I want tell daddy
Fatima: Not yet
Karen; Yeah your daddy won't be cool about
Bella: But daddy Aaron would be
Karen and Fatima both agree
Fatima: Just give it sometimes come on down to eat

Zac: You good Bella?
Makayla: Of course I love you sissy
Bella: Love you too (she sits nexts to Aaron)

Pj:(comes in the room) Hey I'm hungry
Danni; I made your plate
PJ: Thanks mommy (they eat and Bella looks at Pj)
Aaron: Honey you good?
Zac: Yeah you look like you about to cry
Bella: I'm fine can I be excused?
Karen: Yeah go ahead you need me?
Bella: No I'm take a walk
PJ: I can come
Zac: ummm
Fatima: Zac chill (Fatima puts her legs on him)
Bella: No I want be alone thanks tho

(Bella goes for a walk and PJ catches up to her)

Pj: You good?
Bella: No you hurt my feelings
Pj: I'm sorry Bella I do love you (they kiss and Danni walks up)

Danni: What the Hell is this?
Bella: Aunt Danni please don't tell my daddy
Zac: She won't have to tell me get your ass back to the house (Bella walks back to the house sobbing)

Danni Zac Bella and PJ walk in

Preston; What's wrong with Bella?
Zac: Your son had his tongue down Bella throat
Preston; What?
Pj: We we're kissing
Karen: Oh my gosh Bella
Zac: You knew?
Karen': Yes
Fatima: Me too
Zac: So we hiding this from me
Aaron; Zac chill
Zac: She is only 15
Bella: I'm be 16 soon
Zac: Go to your room
Makayla: Daddy that's harsh
Zac; Oh that's harsh give me your phone let me see who you been texting (Makayla deeps off)

Zac: How long has this been going on?
Bella: Two years
Zac: Dos? Two years Karen
Karen: I found out a year ago
Fatima: Yes they hide it for awhile
Zac; All the time sneaking around you been with him
Preston: Zac you act like my son is bad
Zac; He ain't but Bella knows better
Danni: They are of age I agree with them dating
Preston; Me too
Zac: We'll I don't Bella your ground
Bella; How I don't live with you remember you and Karen ain't together I'm so sick of you trying to regulate stuff when you live across town and we don't even live in Atlanta but for the school year
Karen; Bella
Bella; Its the truth your married to Fatima not my mommy so you regulate Prince Makayla and Landon and not me shit (Zac looks at her)
Zac: Who you talking to?
Bella; Zac my daddy (Bella walks away)
Zac storms off

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