True Friend

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(Fatima and Pam get off the phone and Pam pulls up 20 minutes later)
Pam:(Fatima goes to let her in) Hey girl
Fatima: Hey what's up I was about to go to the shop
Pam: Karen in the hospital
Fatima: What why?
Pam: She having bad headaches(Pam and Fatima get to the hospital)
Aaron: Zac you might want go
Zac: Oh shit
Pam: Fatima why is Zac here
Fatima; What the hell (Zac walks up)
Zac: Fatima let me explain
Fatima: I'm listen
Aaron: No let me explain
Fatima: Well let's go
Aaron: Fatima Karen did not want you know she was here she been having bad headaches here lately I found out she fall the other day with our son going down the steps I asked Zac here if you he mad at anyone be mad at me I am truly sorry I need a friend.
Fatima: (starts crying) She did not want me to know
Zac: It's bad Fatima (goes to hug her)
Fatima: Why she did not want me to know?
Zac: Baby she did not want you to worry she needs rest more then anything
Fatima: Can I see her
Zac: Aaron she wants to see her
Aaron: Yeah yeah of course.(Aaron takes Fatima back to Karen room she goes in there and Karen is sleep)
Fatima: Karen
Karen;(wakes up) Fatima?Aaron why did you tell her.
Aaron: She knows but she doesn't know what's going on.
Karen: I did not want you to found out
Fatima: What we are friends Aaron I need a moment.
Karen: Fatima
Fatima: No I'm mad at you but I can't be right now are you dying Karen?
Karen; No I just need surgery
Fatima: For?
Karen: My eyes there causing me to have bad headaches but the surgery is very risky I could go blind if they are not careful.
Fatima: Karen I'm here for you
Karen: I know I just did not want my friend to worry
Fatima: Girl I'm disappointed but I'm get over it.
Karen; I'm sorry and I did not want Zac here but Aaron need a friend I told him to call Preston but God bless his heart he loves Danni he would told her and she would called you.
Fatima: That's true Preston got the slick mouth with Danni
(Aaron and Zac wait outside)
Aaron: I'm sorry
Zac: Don't you know I don't mind you guys are like family
Aaron: Yeah I just don't want Fatima getting mad at you
Zac: We'll you could called Preston and Fatima would still been here
Aaron: Right he love Danni he tells her everything
Zac: Right we got tell him not say Shit like Preston you can't tell Danni
Aaron: Right he cool but he likes to tell her and she like to tell him too
Zac: You ain't never lied you think they good in there?
Aaron: Yeah they get along very good
Zac: They do

(Scene switches to Danni and Preston)
Danni: Preston what's this?
Preston: That's a new shipment coming in tomorrow you got be here
Danni: Okay this how much it cost?
Preston: Yup it did
Danni: Wow that's a lot money
Preston: We make all that money back in less then 24 hours
Danni: Wow so what we doing tonight?
Preston: I got get ready for the rodeo for next week
Danni: That's right
Preston: And then the fair is gone our land out here
Danni: The fair? Is gone be out here?
Preston: I told you that you don't be listen to me
Danni: Yeah I don't remember that? I'm go take a walk.
Preston: Okay be careful
(Danni goes for a walk and she goes a little further by the lake she rolls up a blunt and smokes it. Preston packages arrives he is looking for a pen to sign so he goes thru Danni purse and finds weed)

Danni: (continues to smoke and doesn't see Preston walk up) Damn this shit is good
Preston: Oh really Danni ?
Danni: Oh shit Hey Preston
Preston: I thought we agreed you would not smoke anymore
Danni: No you agree I did not
Preston: Danni? How long?
Danni: A few weeks
Preston: I see you lied to me Danni
Danni: I did not lie I can smoke and be fine
Preston: We have kids now and you promised
Danni: You know what Preston I can't do this
Preston: Neither then I Danni.(Preston walks away leaving Danni standing there)

Ring Ring
Danni; Hello
Fatima: Hey girl hold on(merges Sabrina in)
Sabrina: Yeah I'm here
Fatima: Karen in the hospital
Danni: I'm on my way girl
Sabrina: Me too well the morning okay
Fatima: That's fine (click Danni walks back up the ranch)

Danni: Im go see Karen Preston.
Preston: I don't care Danni I really don't
Danni: Why you being an ass?
Preston: Cause Danni you lied to me I don't even lie to you but you do it to me and that hurts
Danni: Preston I'm sorry
Preston: Bye Danni get out my face.(Danni gets in the truck and drives away)

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