Unfortunate Times ( chap 6 )

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If you are uncomfortable with this topic, please skip this chapter.

Waking up again to the beeping sound of the hell of an annoying alarm, and the repeating voices of the woman in my nightmare. I got up from my bed, brushed my hair and headed to the dining room. Aunt Yuga and Uncle Yukotaro wasn't here as I was left with a note.
'Hey dear! Me and your uncle went out to get some groceries. We'll be there soon. Love you, and take care!'
I closed the note as I did my usual routine. Bath, brush teeth, dress up, eat, take my bag, and go. I closed the door and headed to school.

Yesterday was.. awkward. I happened to make Tsukasa and Rui agree to walk together with me. The three of us, awkwardly walking together. The silence was deafening, not until Tsukasa saw the ice cream stall and bought me an ice cream. Rui did the same, which led me into having a stomach ache even before dinner. Both of them had their quirks, and I like them just the way they are.

Wait, like!?? I blush to myself, and quickly shook my head. I can't think like that to my friends! Well, they both me feel warm and fuzzy inside, but-

I was interrupted with a 'ding' from my phone. I took it out and saw Rui texted me.

'hey, i overselpt and i cant walk u to school 2day :( sory'

I chuckle at his text full of misspelling, and shot him back a 'Its okay :).' I placed my phone away again, and started to walk my way to school.
Walking to school, a bunch of men in their 40's started following me. They would do things I didn't like. They would cling on me, making some jokes about my body, and etc. I thought it would stop soon until they dragged me to a house and locked the door. Trying to flee from the messy situation, they pulled my hair and dragged me to an empty room as a man started unbuttoning my shirt. I wanted this to stop. Why is this happening to me? Do I deserve this? Tears flowing out of my eyes, as I tried to get out. I probably looked messy since my hair was all ruined. All of a sudden, someone barged in the room as I heard the men grunting and a person putting back on my uniform as they carry me on their back. All I heard was chattering and police sirens. Would I finally be free? I was too tired to think. My vision was blurry from crying as I just closed my eyes.

I lost consciousness.

" Dear, are they gonna be okay..? "

" I'm sure they will, mom. "

I flutter my eyes open, seeing myself in a bed, filled with machinery and purple. I saw different machinery in the room. A robot version of Tsukasa, and a lot of papers.. I honestly felt too tired to speak as I just wanted to sleep for the rest of the day.

" Y/N..? "

I heard someone calling out my name. But I couldn't move. Not even my mouth.

" Dear, don't slap them again please.. "

" Y/N? "

I cant move. I cant move. What is happening?

" You're nothing but a worthless brat. "
" Y/N. "

" Y/N! "

I felt another sting on my cheek as I snap back to reality. Covering my cheek with my hand, I rubbed it slowly to reduce the pain. I look over to see who it was. " Rui? "

" Y/N..! I'm so glad you're fine... " He hugs me tightly. My eyes widened at this. Fine? Fine?? What did he mean by that? I don't know what happened. Did I forget something?

" Rui, what do you mean by fine? "
He scratches the back of his head. It seemed really hard to explain for him.

" You almost got t0u₡h3d by a few men. "
" You're nothing but a worthless brat. "
" You're nothing but a worthless brat. "
" You're nothing but a worthless brat. "
I gasp at hearing the voice of the creepy woman once again. " I-.. I need to go.. " I stammer. I grabbed my stuff and rush quickly out of the door. I ran to the road as I heard voices calling out to me as it slowly became fainter, fainter, and fainter.
" Aww.. what's wrong y/n? Scared? " The woman makes fun of me as she laughs hysterically. I wanted to cry, but crying because of a nightmare staying in your head, is not worth it. I'll just look like a silly person who is crying to nothing. Tears slowly flowing out of my eyes, someone held my wrist tight.
" Rui. "
" ... "
" Rui let go of my wrist. "
" ..no. Come back home. It isn't safe for you out here because of the incident that happened- "
I escaped from Rui's grasp with full force as I saw an overspeeding truck coming at me as it honked. I froze in fear. Not knowing what to do. I felt dumbfounded, tears falling fast.
" You're nothing but a worthless brat. KYAHAHAHAHA! " The womans faint screams and laughs, slowly became louder as if it was an ear piercing screech.
" Y/N! "
I felt someone pulled me out of the way.
I felt speechless.
Was I close to being ran over?
" Y/N! "
" Y/N don't make me slap you again for you to snap back to reality.. "
What's happening to me? Its all my fault I caused this stupid incident.
" Alright Rui, do it. "
" OW! "
I rub my cheek once again. Seeing Rui, Tsukasa, Emu, and Nene infront of me. " You were zoning out again. Are you okay? " I look at who was speaking. " Yeah.. Pretty much.. " I look at Rui who sighed, looking at me worried. I put my head down, fidgeting my left index finger, nervously shaking and feeling bad for Rui. He was just trying to protect me and yet, I shouted at him. " I-.. I'm sorry.. Rui. " He looked at me. " Eh? What for? " My head lowers, sniffling. " I shouted at you.. earlier. " Rui comes to me and smiles. He pats my head as he lifts my face and wipe my tears with his finger. " It's okay.. Don't be sorry.. " He pulls me into an embrace as I hugged him back tightly.
For some reason..
I felt someone's upset glare upon us. Someone was disliking this scene of us. I thought of it as nothing as I hugged Rui tighter, tears pouring out of my eyes faster. I nuzzle my face on his shoulders.

" Hello? We're still here. "

We look at the trio, watching us. Nene was playing games on her phone, Emu watching Nene play games on her phone, while her eyes were twinkling. Tsukasa only had his arms crossed, looking at us, upset.
I smiled sheepishly, and turned to look at Rui, who was still holding me into his embrace. "You.. like slapping people now, do you?" I said jokingly, he chuckles. "Well, what am I supposed to do when you're always zoning out?"
He smiled at him, I'll suggest some other options to make me snap back to reality... anyways. We're at the middle of the road, good thing there's not much vehicles driving in the road. Rui breaks the hug, and took my hand. "We should get out of the the road before all of us gets run over by a truck." The four of us nodded, and we got out of the road. Emu is doing all the talking, which I was grateful for- since I really don't have anything positive to talk about.

We heard Emu's tummy grumble, and she made this face. "Wahh! I'm hungry.." She frowned, Nene patted her head. "There's a nearby restaurant here, we can eat there." Nene said, and we all agreed to all eat there. The restaurant wasn't that far, so we got there in 5 or 10 minutes, I actually don't know.

All of us sat in one of the available spots. Emu and Nene offered to order, so it was just me, Rui and Tsukasa. It was kind of awkward, since I'm sitting in the middle of both of them. The silence wasn't always this loud!? Suddenly, Tsukasa did an 'ahem!' and I looked at him. I smile at him, and he smiled lightly.

"Can you come with me?" Tsukasa asks. He placed his hand in top of mine, and I blushed a little bit at the action. "Sure." I said, and Tsukasa beamed. He took my hand, and we went out of the restaurant. "Why are we outside, Tsukasa?" I look at him, puzzled by his actions. He placed his hands on my cheeks, and he looked at me, serious. "Do you like him?" He said in a serious tone.

"Him? You mean Rui?" He nodded, and he got closer to me. "I don't know! Well- uh.." I looked away at Tsukasa, unsure of what to say. "I can be better than him, I can protect you too..." Tsukasa's voice was quiet, that only I can hear him. I'm sure the people around us thought we were crazy, but I don't care. I was too lost in Tsukasa's eyes, was it really that addicting to look at?

He came closer and closer to my face, until our lips touched. I was startled by his actions, but I didn't push away. This made me all warm and fuzzy inside, and I know that my cheeks were red as a tomato now. He's still kissing me..!? Tsukasa pulled away. I whined lightly, was I really this needy? "I can do better than him, please." He kissed my forehead lightly, and I almost teared up. I was confused about my feelings for both of the guys, I know the both of them have a thing for me, but-

I can't love the both of them, right? It's wrong. I pushed Tsukasa away, "What's wrong? I- I'm sorry for acting so rashly." He slightly looked down, ashamed. I placed my hand in his cheek, and smiled reassuringly. "No, you don't have to apologize. If someone has to apologize, It should be me.." I mumbled. Tsukasa hugged me, and he ran his hand through my hair. "I- can't understand my feelings! I'm so sorry Tsukasa, to both of you and Rui.." I hugged Tsukasa tighter, not wanting to let go. "I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay, no matter what happens, I'll always love you." He said in a sweet tone.

A forceful drag pulls me back causing him to drop the hug.

" Hey!- What are you?!- "

Tsukasa looks up as he sees a person, glaring at him.

" They're mine. "

Utopia - We want to make you smile! ( tsukasa x gender neutral reader x rui )Where stories live. Discover now