They broke down at school- wait no, they broke in at school. (Chap. 7.2)

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another chapter done by @himaaluvss hehe (i gotta make some chaps too hah)

I push the woman as I ran to my room, slamming it shut, unaware that it was my own aunt that I pushed to the ground. I locked my room door as I hear the door knob twisting and turning hastily. I grabbed a charging outlet as I immediately plug my phone. I sat on the corner of my bed, curled up as I sobbed. I crawled to the air conditioner as I turned it on to cool down and dry my face.


I woke up, my eyes feeling dry. I was shivering from the cold of the air conditioner. My lips were still quivering with fear from the incident yesterday. Realizing I was still in my school uniform, I ignored it as I stared at the ceiling for a while before the alarm finally rang. I got down from my bed as I got my hair brush and brushed my hair slowly. It was like as if all the energy was drained from me. I placed back my brush as I head out the door and exited my own room.

I walk to the table, not speaking and not making eye contact with my aunt and uncle. They did the same with me. I waited for my food as I tapped on the table. "Here's your food dear.." She quietly said, still not making eye contact with me. She left me to eat as I just stared at it, coldly. Picking up the silver utensils, I heard a voice whispering in my ear.
"Don't eat the food, they're trying to poision you."

I felt shivers up my spine hearing the voice. I gripped the utensils tightly and looked at my food. "I'm full." I mutter to myself. Standing up from my chair, I decided not to eat as I took a shower, changed, and left without saying goodbye to my aunt and uncle.

Halfway to the school, I stopped in my tracks as my stomach rumbled. I zipped open my bag to see if I had a snack. Not finding a snack, I couldn't find my lunch box anywhere in my bag. I finally came to the realization that I forgot to bring my lunch box. I frown slightly, zipping my bag once again, as I continue my way to school, deciding that I'd just hold it.

I finally arrive at the school, looking at all of the students. The school hallway was crowded and it felt.. oddly weird. I didn't like the feeling of it at all. I saw Nene, Rui, and Tsukasa talking to each other. I stared at them, talking about the sports festival. Tsukasa looked at me and waved at me with a big, wide, smile. I quickly ran away as I just ran to my class, pretending nothing happened. I needed someone to talk to because of the incident that happened yesterday but I didn't want to pressure them or disturb their conversation because of me.


Me, Nene, and Rui were talking about which games we should join in the sports festival today. I was still ignoring Rui and Rui was doing the same with me. While looking around in the school hallway out of boredom, I saw y/n in the crowd. I looked at them as I waved at them, smiling. Suddenly, they ran away after seeing me.
"Tsukasa, are you there?"
I looked at Nene. She was tapping my shoulder repeatedly. "Didn't you say a true star never zones out?" She questioned, looking at me with her head slightly tilted. "Ah! I'm fine!" I grin at her. "If you say so.."


Running up the stairs in a rush, I bumped into someone. I grit my teeth, tears pouring down my face as they looked at me then kneeled down.

"Y/n, are you okay?" The person said. They lifted my chin up with their finger as they wipe my tears off.
"Ena..?" I spoke in a quiet voice. I looked up at her as she stared at me, worriedly. "Come on, let's get you fixed up at the bathroom." She held out a hand. I glanced at her hand before taking it as she pulled me to the school bathroom.


Ena gave me a bunch of tissues as I blew on it, then threw them in the trash. "Thanks, ena.." I mutter to her. "You're welcome. Now, tell me what happened since you started crying?" She got up on the mirror counter and sat as I did the same too. I sighed in response since it might be impossible for me to explain. "It's just.. a silly nightmare I can't forget." She giggles as she grins. "You sound like you're lying when you word it like that, Y/N." I glare at her shortly as I looked down at my lap and sighed. "Yesterday.. when I arrived home from school... I saw someone- .. I.." I tried to mutter out the words as more tears just poured out of my eyes. She stopped grinning as she hopped off the counter and came to me. "Hey, hey, hey.. It's okay.. You don't have to tell me anything if you aren't comfortable with it." She looks up at my face as she wiped my tears again. "N-no I really need.. someone to talk to about it.."My voice cracked as tears poured down my face. She carries me off the counter gently as we both sat on the cold floor. She pulls me into a warm embrace and starts patting my back while muttering sweet words to me. "Shh.. it'll be okay.. I'm here for you if no one would.." I sobbed into her shoulder as I hugged her tightly.

I finally stopped crying as my eyes felt dry. Ena pulled away a strand of hair away from my face and tucks it behind my hair. "Do you feel better now?" She asks me, worried as she tilts her head slightly to the side. I nodded silently. "Come on, go wash your face." She stood up and held out a hand again as I took it and stood up too. I turn on the sink as I wash my face and dry it soon after. "Thank you Ena.." I whisper quietly. "Its no proble- eh?"

Ena looked out the door. I looked at the door with curiosity too. "Did you hear something y/n?" I looked at her. "I definitely did... It sounded like the vent door falling on the ground." I went to the door slowly but Ena held me back. "Don't go out.. it might be dangerous.." She whispered. All of a sudden, we both heard loud screaming noises.

"Shhh.. there might be people in the bathroom.. keep it down you loud man.."
"Fufu~ What a nice surprise.."
"What did you need anyways?"
"I found an event that's called 'Paint what you love'!! Doesn't that sound exciting?!"
"I have to work on the machinery for the next show.."
"I really need to AP Tondemo Wonders.."
"I'm trying to upgrade my acting skills so I can do better in the next show!!"
"UWAAAGH?! You guys have so many plans! Who will I go with then?!"
"Go ask Y/N.."
Chattering was finally left to be heard before it became faint, fainter, and it was gone. A sudden banging on the door was heard. "Go in one of the bathroom stalls, I think I know who it is." I nodded as I slowly went into the bathroom stall. I heard the door opening and a sudden shriek. I quickly unlocked the door and came out of the bathroom stall. A girl was tackling Ena as the girl finally looked at me, her eyes sparkling. "Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The girl stopped tackling Ena as she ran to me fast.


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