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Lilly's pov
The next morning when I woke up I noticed the band had fallen asleep on the floor. I decided to wake them up. I looked around the bus for a bucket of some sort. After a while of searching I finally found a bucket. I filled the bucket with cold water. When the bucket was completely full I went and dumped it on the boys. As the water hit them they all screamed like little girls. I knew they were gonna be angry so I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Out of nowhere the door opens. "How I locked the door?!?!" I screamed. "You know there are keys to doors right." Vic said. "Oh god. This is gonna be bad." I said. "You're right it is gonna be bad." Mike said. The boys grabbed me and took me to the kitchen. Jaime was filling the bucket back up with water only this time adding ice too. "OH GOD THIS IS GONNA BE COLD!!!" I screamed. The boys held me down so I couldn't run away. Then they dumped the cold water on me. I screamed as soon as it touched me. All of the boys started laughing. "Jaime you're laughing now but I'm gonna be laughing when your hair turns curly from drying." I said. "Oh god never!!" Jaime said. We all laughed at this. After we were all dry the band had breakfast. Jaime made sure to straighten his hair before I could see it curly. After the band ate breakfast it was time for the them to preform. The band gave me a backstage pass so if I decided to watch I could. I told the band that I was just gonna stay on the bus and hang out. "Ok I might have kellin Quinn come hang out with you though." Tony said. I thought he was kidding. After 20 minutes or so there was a knock at the door. When I opened the door Kellin Quinn was standing there. "Omg I thought Tony was kidding!" I said. "He wasn't." Kellin said. Kellin and I hung not out and watched some Netflix. When the band came back they wanted to go out for dinner. At dinner I managed to eat some food. The boys meanwhile were being pigs. So k take it there show went well. After we got back to the bus I went to bed.

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