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Tony's pov
Today we're driving to Austin texas. Since we don't have anything planned until the show later tonight I figured Lil and I could start planning our wedding. I went back to my bunk and woke her up. "Lilly sweetie wake up!" I said. "Ugh." she moaned. She slowly started to get out of bed. She looked so cute in her pajamas. She got out of the bunk. "Carry me to the couch!" She said. I laughed and picked her up. I went and set her down on the couch and went to get our computers. "Who wants coffee?!?!?!" Jaime asked. "I do!!!!!" Lilly said. I waked out of the back lounge with our laptops And saw Jaime hand Lilly a cup of coffee. "Thank you hime." Lilly said. "No problem." jaime said. I handed Lilly her laptop and she put her coffee in the cup holder on the End of the couch. I felt her feet and they were freezing. "Do you want a blanket sweetie?" I asked. She nodded. I went and got the blanket out of my bunk. I put it on her and then we started planning our wedding. "What kind of cake do you want?" Lilly asked. "Vanilla!" I said. "Yay!!" She said. I laughed. She told me she was gonna order a wedding dress and have it delivered to my house. We only had 13 shows left until we went home. "Tony are you excited?" Lil asked. "Of course!!" I said. I decided to start looking for a suit. I had another surprise for Lilly tonight. We were having a birthday party with some other bands tonight. "Hey babe dress kind of fancy but not as fancy as last night." I said. "Ok why?" She asked. "Its a surprise." I said. "When do I need to be ready by?" She asked. "5:45" I said. she nodded.
Lilly's pov
I woke up to Tony telling me to wake up. I was super tired but I got up anyway. I Could barely stand so I asked Tony to Carry me. "Carry me to the couch!!" I said. Tony laughed and picked me up. He set me down on the couch and went to get our computers. Jaime asked if anyone wanted coffee and I said yes. Jaime fixed me a cup of coffee and Tony handed me my laptop so I set my cup in the cup holder. Tony felt my feet and they were freezing so he asked me if I wanted a blanket. I nodded. He put a warm blanket on me. We started planning our wedding. I had my dress and the cake taken care of. Tony told me to dress kind of fancy tonight so I nodded. We kept working on the wedding until 3. At 3 I told Tony I was gonna go get ready. I went to the bathroom and straightened my hair. Once I was done doing that I lightly teased it. After I did my hair i put hairspray in I made sure to put alot. After that I started on my makeup. I decided to wear a sparkly black eyeliner and Mascara. Once I was done with my makeup I needed to choose my clothes. I couldn't decided between two different outfits. I finally decided to wear my black and white lace dress, my diamond earrings, engagement ring, choker, lace tights, black boots, and a stack of bangles. I got dressed and I was done getting ready at 5:30. I walked out of the bathroom and all of the guys were dressed decent. "Where are we going?!" I asked. "you'll see!" Tony said. "ugh fine." I said. We went out to the car and drive somewhere. We stopped at a venue they'd preformed at earlier. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "You'll see." vic said. We walked into the venue and everybody yelled... "SURPRISE!!!!" I was so surprised. I walked around and all of my favorite bands were here. I walked around and talked. Tony eventually found me and led me back to the car. We drove to the bus. During the car ride I started to feel light headed. When the car stopped we got out and I almost fell. Tony ran to me and caught me before I hit the ground. Tony carried me inside and I was freezing cold. I went into the bathroom and took my makeup off. I decided to shower tomorrow and I changed into my flannel pajama pants, Pierce the veil sleep shirt, and my rebel 8 hoodie. I was still freezing cold. All of the sudden i felt like I was gonna throw up I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Tony walked in once I was done. His face was pale. "Lilly I'm gonna take you to the hospital!" Tony said. "Why what's wrong?!" I asked. I stood up and looked in the mirror. My nose was bleeding and there was dried blood around my mouth. Tony handed me a bucket for the car ride. I slipped on my vans and got into the car. On the way there I kept getting colder even though Tony had the heat on and he was sweating. When we got to the hospital Tony carried me in. The doctors took me back almost immediately.
Tony's pov
I carried Lilly into the hospital and they took her right away. I waited 4 hours before I heard anything about her. "Mr.Perry?" The doctor said. I jumped up and ran to him. "She might have cancer. Well have to do further testing." the doctor said. I ran to see lilly. When I got to her room I called the guys and told them what happened. They all came to the hospital. Lilly was pale and cold still. The guys and I saw her for a little bit then they took her for more tests. I went on Instagram to keep my mind off things. I was so scared. What if she has cancer. What if she dies. The guys were scared too. After about and hour the doctor came back. "Mr.Perry the tests came back." the doctor said. "Mr. .Perry Lilly....."

CLIFHANGER!!!! I need suggestions for the kid they adopt who has ideas?!?! Stay safe my little turtles!!!!

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