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Lilly's pov
I woke up and went into the bath room. I grabbed my wig and the hair dye I would need. I started coloring my hair. I colored my wig red and black. I took a picture with my real hair. "Tony! Come here please." I said. "What's up?" Tony asked. "Will you shave my head for me?" I ask. "Of course." Tony said. He grabbed the scissors and cut it short so he could shave the rest off. I was bald soon. I took a picture with Tony. I posted it on Instagram and said. "Shaved my head. You suck cancer!" I put my wig on. "I like your hair that color." Tony said. I blushed. I put on some eyeliner and mascara. I straightened my wig and then went to get dressed. I put on some black skinny jeans, a coke shirt, my ring, my earrings, my belt, and my new converse. "Hey Tony are you ready to go to the orphanage?" I asked. "Yeah!" He said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. I got into the car and we drove to the orphanage. When we got there they handed us a book with all of the girls they had since we wanted 2 girls. We decided to check out Katia and hunter. They came into the room and were shocked once they saw who was here. They were both really nice girls. Hunters shy. We decided to adopt them. They went back to there rooms to pack up there stuff. Once they were ready to leave we put there stuff in the trunk of the car and took off for our house. Tony and I told them we would take them shopping one day this week. We got back to the house and Tony and I showed them there rooms. I was tired so Tony said he'd take the girls shopping for there rooms. I decided to go take a shower. I went upstairs and took a nice warm shower. Once I was out of the shower I put on some sweatpants and a tank top. I walked downstairs and Tony and the girls still weren't home so I decided to watch some tv and maybe take a nap. I went and sat on the couch. I turned the tv on and I started watching supernatural. I slowly drifted off to sleep. Only to be woken up by Katia yelling. "Lilly look what we got for our rooms!!!!" Katia yelled. They all walked into the living room and Tony mouthed sorry. "Ohh sorry I didn't know you were asleep." Katia said. "Oh it's fine." I said. I went to see what they got. Katia got a bed with a bunch of drawers on the side, Blue paint, band merch, posters, and a black fringe rug. Hunter got bunk beds, black paint, band merch, and a white rug. Tony took the beds upstairs with the girls help. The girls each picked out the sheets they wanted. Katia chose black sheets with white stars, and Hunter chose silver sheets. I took the sheets upstairs and Tony helped me make their beds. I put a blanket on their beds. We covered the furniture up and the bed was in the center of the room. Then we started painting. Both of the rooms turned out really nice. Tony the girls and I had a really nice bonding experience. Tony ordered pizza. I told Tony I wasn't hungry and I was gonna go to bed because I was really tired. I said goodnight to Tony and the girls. I walked up to our bedroom. I crawled into bed. It felt so nice to be in bed. I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I acted like a little kid and ran downstairs to see Tony and the girls making pancakes. "Awwwww!!!" Katia said. "We were gonna surprise you!" Tony said. I chuckled. I hugged Hunter and Katia good morning and then kissed Tony. "So do you girls want to go clothes shopping today?" I asked. "HELL YEAH!!!" Hunter said. All eyes turned to her. She blushed and said "sorry." We all laughed. "That's fine sweetie!" I said. Tony finished making breakfast while I poured the milk into cups. We are our pancakes and drank our milk. Tony had told them about my cancer when they went shopping yesterday. Once we were done with breakfast Tony insisted on washing the dishes. So me and the girls went up to our rooms to get ready. I decided to wear My black leggings, black tank top, red and black flannel long sleeve shirt, ripped shorts over my leggings, and my new converse with buckles on them. Once I was dressed I went into the bathroom and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I didn't need to do anything to my hair except brush it. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. The girls were downstairs waiting already. I went to Tony and kissed him goodbye. "Be safe!" Tony said. "Always!" I said. I grabbed the car keys and the girls followed me to the car. We all got In and headed to the mall. Once we got there I asked where they wanted to go and it didn't surprise me that they wanted to go to hot topic. We shopped in hot topic for a while and walked out with quite a few bags. I took the girls to a shoe store and they each got 3 pairs of vans and 2 pairs of converse. After all the shopping we decided to get some pizza. The pizza was really yummy. Once we were done earring we went to the car and put all of the stuff in. I went to the house and dropped the girls off because there was something I needed to do. I went to the guitar shop and picked up Tony's present. I drove to vics house because he was the only one who knew what I got him for Christmas. "Hey Vic can I leave Thai here so Tony doesn't see it?" I asked. "Of course!" Vic said. I laughed. Vic led me up to his room. I handed him the guitar in its case and he put it in the closet. I hugged Vic bye and headed back to the car. I took off for the house. I couldn't wait to see Tony again.

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