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Lilly's pov
I woke up facing Tony, god he's cute when he's sleeping. I couldn't get out of the bunk without waking him up so I just sat there staring at him. After an hour or two Tony started to wake up. "Good morning sleepy head." I said. "Mmhm." Tony mumbled. Tony slowly got out of the bunk. As soon as his feet touched the floor he ran to the bathroom. I went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. The guys were already up. "Hey." Vic said. "Hi." I said. I planned on avoiding further questions or lectures. When I finished my coffee I went into the bathroom and changed clothes. I decided to wear a black veil brides tank top, Black skinny jeans, My black and white vans, And a key street hoodie. After I was dressed I grabbed my phone and headed for a walk. Before I could make it out of the bus Vic checked me to make sure I didn't have anything that could harm me. As soon as he saw I didn't he let me go. I planned on walking a while. I had some money and water just in case. I decided to walking in the woods that were close to the buses. As I was walking in the woods I noticed it was getting darker and darker the deeper I got into the woods. I turned around and started to head back. I got lost so I decided to call Tony. "Uhhhh Tony?" I said. "What's wrong lil?" Tony asked. "I'm lost in the woods." I said. "Hold on me and the guys will come find you." Tony said. I could tell he was annoyed. I was embarrassed about having to call the guys for help. I decided to try to find my way out again. I eventually gave up. I tried to call the guys but my phone had no service. I decided to climb a tree to see if I could either see them or get phone service. As I climbed the tree I heard some boys shouting something. immediately I yelled out help me. The boys looked up and saw me in the tree. I started climbing down. When I got down the guys ran up and hugged me so tight I thought I'd suffocate. "Guys I can't breathe!" I yelled. They all let go. The boys thought I would be hungry so they took me to a restaurant. Of course the restaurant served Mexican food. Mike ordered a taco plate for us all to share. When it got to the table we all grabbed tacos and started eating. After we finished Vic payed and we went back to the bus. When we got to the bus I showered and changed into my pajamas. It was cold on the bus so I put on one of my other key street hoodies. I didn't have any pajama pants so I had to wear shorts. When I went out into the lounge the boys were all sitting there talking. I decided to ask Tony if he could take me shopping tomorrow. "Hey tony can you take me shopping tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Tony said. After we sat around talking for a while we all went to bed. The next morning when I woke up I was the only one up. I decided to get out of bed and get ready. I curled my hair, Put makeup on, And got dressed. I decided to wear a Bring me the horizon tank top, Blue denim skinny jeans, My red vans, A key street hoodie, And black gauges. When I was done getting ready I decided to wake Tony up. I tried shaking him but he wouldn't wake up. I went into my backpack and took out my beats and put them on his head and turned them all the way up. I played a song by sleeping with sirens where kellin was screaming and that woke him up. "Jesus Lilly." Tony said. Tony got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I could tell he was taking a shower because the shower was on. About 20 minutes Tony came out of the bathroom. "Alright are you ready to go?" Tony asked. I didn't answer I just walked out to the car. When Tony got into the car I was looking at the pics I had taken of him. Tony saw and laughed at some of them. Aw we drove to the mall I played some music. I played fuck you bye ceelo green remade by sleeping with sirens. When we got to the mall Tony and I headed to hot topic. Of course everywhere we went fans saw him and screamed. After we finished shopping for clothes I had Tony take me to a store so I could get some new gauges. Overall I ended up with several pairs of skinny jeans, several shirts, A few new pairs of vans, Some new tunnels + plugs, and some food. Me and Tony got hungry so we went to the pizza place in the mall. When we were done at the mall Tony and I headed back to the bus. While we were in the car Tony asked me some question. "You know you never told me how old you are." Tony said. "Oh I'm 22" I said. "Well than, Because you're only 7 years younger than me will you be my girlfriend?" Tony asked. "Hmmmmmmm? Of course!" I said. Tony leaned over and kissed me. When we get back to the bus I'm gonna give you some guitar lessons. "Yay." I Said. When we got back to the bus I put my stuff up and grabbed my guitar. Tony came in and told me that he was gonna tell the guys that we're a thing. A few minutes later I heard the guys go aww and say congratulations. When Tony came back he sat me on his lap and gave me some guitar lessons. After he was done teaching me guitar he said he wanted to talk to me. "Lilly I need to ask you something." Tony said. I was kind of scared but also excited. "The tour is almost over, when it's over would you want to come live with me?" Tony asked. I sat there speechless for a minute or two. "Yes of course I would love to turtle!" I said. You could see the excitement in Tony's face. Tony said he had a surprise for me. Tony led me out to the car and blindfolded me and started driving.

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