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After a while the car started moving. Tony moved around and then finally took the blindfold off of my face. When I looked around we were at a lake. It was so pretty. The water was crystal clear and there was a cabana. Tony handed me a bag and told me to go change into the clothes that were in it. I walked into the little cabana and saw rose petals on the floor. I started taking my clothes off. I put on the tank top which was a sleeping with sirens one that Said I've got the whole world in front of me, Then I put on my black ripped skinny jeans, Then I put on my boots, After that I put my new plugs in which were a anchor, and then put on my bracelet that said "Wrists are for bracelets not cuts- kellin Quinn". When I walked out Tony wolf whistled. Tony looked so cute he was in a key street hoodie, Skinny jeans, and black and white vans. Tony led me over to some rocks by the lake. He'd set up a picnic there. As we are Tony and I got to know each other a little better. "So Lilly what are your favorite colors?" Tony asked. "I like green, black, red, and blue." I said.n"What are your favorite colors?" I asked. "Green and black." Tony said. After a while we packed up all of the stuff and headed home. When we got back to the bus I went and changed into my batman pjs and waited for Tony in his bunk. When Tony came back we stared at each other and then we started kissing. This kiss felt different than all of my other kisses. It felt wanted. When we were done making out we laid next to each other cuddling. I started tracings the tattoos on Tony's arm. After a while I fell asleep. The next morning when I woke up Tony was looking at me. When he saw I was up he got out of bed and went to make me breakfast. I decided to go shower. While I was in the shower I shaved my legs and armpits, Washed my hair, and washed my body. When I got out of the shower I forgot my clothes so I hollered for Vic. "Hey vic?!?" I called. Vic came running to the bathroom. "What's wrong Lil?" Vic asked. "I forgot my clothes can you pick me out some?" I asked. "Don't say another word." Vic said. A few minutes later Vic came back. He handed me my clothes and shoes. Vic had really good tastes in clothes he brought me A Anthem made t shirt "the strays jersey", My dark denim ripped shorts, My new red vans, And a necklace that I'd never seen before. When I was dressed I went out and questioned Vic on the necklace. "Vic where'd you get this necklace?" I asked. "Go ask Tony." Vic said. The necklace was really pretty it was a black star and on every point there was a diamond. "Tony where'd you get this necklace?" I asked. "Its for you my love! I bought it at the jewelry store for you." Tony said. "Omg thank you so much Tony!!! I'm never gonna take it off." I said. "I'm glad you like it! Be careful they're real diamonds" Tony said. The boys had a show today and they gave me a side stage pass and backstage pass. I decided to go with the boys to sound check. Vic let me do his part so I sang a song.
Scene 2 Rodger rabbit by sleeping with sirens.
Is there a right way for how this goes?
You've got your friends and you've got your foes.
They want a piece of something hot forget your name like they forgot.
Ain't that something.
Some wanna see you crash and burn.
I criticize your every word.
I'm trying to keep from going insane.
Ain't that the way of this whole damn thing.
Trying to be something.
Nobody's gonna love you
If you can't display a way to capture this.
Nobody's gonna hold your hand
And guide you through
No it's up for you to understand.
Nobody's gonna feel your pain.
When all is done
And it's time for you to walk away.
So when you have today.
You should say all that you have to say
Say all that you have to say
Is there a right way for being strong
Feels like I'm doing things all wrong.
Still I'm here just holding on.
Confess my heart and forget my wrongs
Just trying to show you something...
Nobody's gonna love you if
You can't display a way to capture this
Nobody's gonna hold your hand
And guide you through
It's up for you to understand
Nobody gonna feel your pain
When all is done
And it's time for you to walk away
When you have today
You should say all that you have to say
Don't point the blame when you can't find nothing
Look to yourself and you might find something.
It's time that we sorted out
All of the things
We complain about
So listen close to the sound of your soul
Take back a life
We led once before
If it ain't you then who
Then who's gonna love you
Nobody's gonna love you if
You can't display a way to capture this
Nobody's gonna hold your hand
And guide you through
It's up for you to understand
Nobody's gonna feel your pain
When all is done
And it's time for you to walk away
When you have today
You should say all that you have to say
So when you have today
Say all that you have to say.

When I finished singing the boys started clapping. "Wow I didn't know you could sing." Vic said. The boys didn't know a lot of things about me. I told the boys I was gonna go to the gas station and get some soda and a snack. When I walked into the gas station there was a missing poster with my name on it.

Suspense!!! Comment what you think will happen!! I've been trying to think of the right way to do this chapter so I hope you like it. Please like, comment, and share my story!
I'll be traveling so I might not be able to update sometimes.

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