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I sit in the field. Everything around me is blooming with life. The sun is shining on me, and I am wearing a smile. Not a forced one, but a true one, almost as bright as the light that was shimmering from the clear sky above me.

There is someone with me. A girl. But I can't see her. She's talking to me, but everything is mute. I just know that she is there, and we are talking. And as I listen to her with obvious curiosity, everything around us slowly begins to fade to grey and wither. Neither of us take notice. The grey can't touch us.

These images drained from my sight and reality began to seep into focus. What was that? Was I dreaming? For a second, I was brutally confused. Where was I? What happened? And then feeling came back to me, and there was a splintering pain in my head, which completely took over every other feeling. I heard a cry of pain, and it took me a second to realize it was mine. And then I heard the voices.

The first, male. Quite deep, too. "What was that?"

The second, male as well, but he sounded much younger than the first. "I think he's waking up."

In the haze of confusion in my head, I finally realized that my eyes were closed. I opened them up, to find myself staring up at the familiar grey-black sky. I was lying on my back, so I couldn't see much else other than the bare trees at the corners of my vision. It was quiet for a long time, and at first I thought that I had imagined the voices, that they were another part of my dream, but as soon as I got the strength to try to sit up, I heard the second, younger voice again say in a bit of a pinicky voice, "Hey, you better watch him. He's getting up." He was speaking to someone else.

As soon as he said this, I felt strong hands shove against my chest, making me slam back into the pavement, this time laying on my stomach.This knocked the breath right out of me, and as I lay there gasping for air, something heavy was suddenly on top of me, making it ten times harder. Whoever was on top of me grabbed me by my hair with one hand, and I felt something cold and smooth press against my neck. A blade? I tried to reach up and push the person off of me, but I then found out my hands were tied behind my back with something strong and thin, making it almost impossible to get out of. The person on my back snarled, "Who are you?" I couldn't breathe to answer him, but even if I could, I wouldn't have much information for him besides a name. Adreneline ran through my veins, and I suddenly felt less panicked.

I heard a different voice, this time female. Her voice was high, strong, but quiet. "I don't think he can breathe. Get off of him, Bryant."

"Not a chance," Responded the man, this Bryant. "He could be dangerous." I felt the blade get tighter, and luckily I got in one good breath before it was cut off again.

Suddenly, everything began making sense. I remembered finding the bread, the crackers, and hearing the voices. What happened after that? I hid behind a truck, and when I peeked around it to see who had came to the town, something happened. The searing pain in my head suggested that I was hit with something, hard. I had been knocked clean unconcious.

"Who are you?" Repeated the man on top of me. "Where do you live? Who are you with?" To my releif, the pressure on the blade relaxed, and I could breathe again. I sucked in three large breathes, and he let me, waiting for me to respond. "Well?"

I finally half-sputtered, "Just me." That's all I could get out at the moment. And it was true. It had been just me, for a very long time.

It was quiet for a moment as the group processed this. The blade was finally removed after a few seconds, but the man did not get off me. I could tell that they were looking at eachother, deciding wether to believe me or not. Finally the man on top of me said, "Well, then, you've taken quite good care of yourself for being alone." He didn't say it in a sarcastic tone, but a tone of respect. He then did get off of me, and I felt my lungs immidiately fill with precious air. It fell silent again, and I was finally able to pull up to my hands and knees. My limbs were shaky, and numb, and I felt neauses from the pain in my head, but other than that I was fine. I wasn't near the spot where I had been knocked out at, but somewhere close to the heart of the city, where most of the stores and shops were. After a minute of just shaky breathing, I finally was able to turn around, to where I was facing the newcomers. When my eyes fell upon them, I couldn't help but feel a pange of warmth flow through me. It was so amazing to finally be with other people, to finally see and hear someone other than myself. I was right all along. There were others.

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