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"There it is," Alyssa breathed, staring out her window, a small smile playing out on her bright, pink lips. "There's our camp."

I glanced out the window to see what she was talking about. And there it was. The camp. I could see several cars parked in a long line on the side of the road. About twenty feet into the trees, I could see dozens of tents set up. I could hear loud, exicted chatter even over the loud engine as we approached. I felt the nesea creeping back up my stomach, and I tried to force it down. Micah and the others hadn't trusted me in the least when they first met me. I wonder how everyone else would react. But I was excited at the same time. The very thought of other people made me swoon with joy.

The sun had almost set, making the sky glow with several colors. I tried to focus on them as the car settled to a stop in line with the others. Blue, gold, orange, purple, pink.

I heard the voices getting closer, and I sunk down in my seat, unsure of what else to do. The others got out of the car, and were greeted by at least twenty other people.

I peered at everyone through the thick glass of the window. There were a lot of adults, and a few preteens, even a few people my age. I noticed that a little girl, maybe six or seven, ran directly into Foster's outstretched arms. She giggled as he planted a kiss directly on her cheek, an unfamiliar smile on his face. She must be the famous Carlie.

Half of the group was surrounding just Micah alone, but Alyssa was already talking quickly and excitedly with a group of girls. A woman and two teenagers. Everyone was catching up, welcoming everyone back, and just talking. I sat back, momentarily forgotten. I would never belong here like they did. These weren't my people.

I heard a knock on the window directly next to me, making me jump. It was Bryant. He mouthed, "Come on," even though I would have heard him just fine.

With shaking hands, I opened the car door, and he moved out of the way as I stepped out of the car, shutting it as quietly as I could.

"Don't be scared," Bryant said. "They won't bite."

They could, I thought sourly as I followed behind him, ignoring the desire to hide behind this big man's body.

No one even noticed us as we walked through the heart of the crowd. They were too involved in their stories and conversations.

Bryant lead me straight to Micah. He was answering questions, and to be honest, he looked quite overwhelmed. Everyone was talking to him at once, and when he noticed me standing beside him, a wicked grin spread across his face. He laced an arm around my shoulder, which felt strange, as he shouted, "Attention."

At his order, the whole camp fell dead silent so fast that I felt faint. All eyes were directed towards us, and I didn't like this.

I tried to keep my gaze on Micah's face. I didn't want to look at anyone else.

"Everyone," Micah said, his voice loud, and clear, heard by all, "This is our newest member of the group. Yes, he will be staying with us from here on out."

I heard an angry murmur go through the crowd, but they were silenced by one hand movement from their leader.

I felt a wave of dissapointment wash over me. Of course, they didn't want me here either. What had I expected?

"This young man, Evan, saved Alyssa's life. No one is to bother him. He is trustworthy."

And that was all that was said. Micah turned back toward his people and started speaking again, as if nothing had happened. The others uncertainly began whispering amongst themselves again as well. I could feel many eyes on me, and it made me feel vulnerable and helpless. Even Bryant left me to go speak with Foster and who I assumed to be Carlie.

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