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I had broken my wrist.

I guessed that it had happened either from the pressure of hitting the water, or maybe getting forcefully slammed against the rocks. Whatever it was, it hurt.

I hadn't felt it at first, because half of my body was still numb from the freezing cold water. But when feeling began to bleed back, it wasn't pleasant.

I had broken my left wrist, bruised two of my ribs, had a long gash on my left leg, and I had a lot of stratches and bruises. But other than that, I was alive and well. And moving. I felt completely better after a while.

I even played Capture The Flag again.

Except this time, I was the gaurd for the Blue team. 

I liked being the gaurd. I was faster than most of them, and I didn't have to try that hard at all, even with a broken bone. I could already tell which ones were the best players. Alyssa, Oz, Jericho, and I. We were all tied at best, and they were the hardest to catch. 

At one point, Jericho was the one who had found the flag. I had stood a few feet closer to the flag than him, and he had smirked, saying, "How's your hand feeling?"

I had just shrugged, and replied, "Actually, pretty good. I'm still better than you, even with one hand."

"Oh really?" He challenged. "I guess we'll see about that."

We both darted for the flag. Neither one of us reached it first, but I had lunged directly at him. We collided into eachother, sending us both slamming into the ground, with me on top. Jericho threw a punch in my direction, but I swiftly moved out of the way. He stared up at me with his face filled with rage, and I pinned one of his legs down with my own. I struck him once, causing a bone in his nose to snap. It didn't look broken, but it looked like it hurt. A lot. Good. Jericho reached up and gripped his fingers tightly around my wrist, making me cry out in pain as the broken bone shifted in a way it wasn't supposed to.

George had come just in time to break up the fight, because I think I might have killed him.

We were both disqualified, but I didn't care. I was just glad that I had gotten at least one punch in. 

George decided to quit the game after I left, and he walked back to camp with me while everyone else continued. I wasn't sure where Jericho had dissapeared to, but I wasn't particularly concerned for him.

George waited until we were out of earshot to congradulate me. "That was a nice hit! Did you see his face? He looked so angry!" He chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile. 

We walked to the car where all the boxes of food were stored. There wasn't much, and it made me a bit sad. We would have to go on another raid, and soon.

George grabbed us both a package of Doritos and two water bottles. We went to sit outside of our tent. We munched on our chips and sipped our water quietly. It wasn't long before Oz joined us, looking worn, but content. His red hair was shaggy and matted, and he had taken his shirt off, revealing his sweaty-but fit- chest. He probably had all of the girls swooning.

"Hey, guys." He cheered, giving us his usual smile.

George offered him the rest of his chips, and he took it eagerly.

"I'm starved," He said, stuffing three chips into his mouth.

Gradually, everyone began returning from their game. Everyone looked tired and exhausted, but most of them were smiling and laughing.

When Alyssa returned, George had already set out her share of food. She didn't touch it, though. She gave hers to a younger kid named Todd, who was complaining that he was still hungry.

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