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Seth was right about one thing. We needed to wait until nightfall to make our first move. It would be much easier to get around in the dark without being spotted; Plus, most of everyone would be asleep. We just had to be very quiet, and careful.

Since there were so many of us, Seth and I decided to split us up into groups; We'd all be going to the same place, but we'd be going at different times, that way we were less likely to catch any gaurds' attention. The first group included Seth, Oz, Eli, Alyssa, and Keenan. Since Cade and I were the best with guns, I decided to put us in the second group with the injured, that way we could take care of them, since they had a disadvantage. In the second group were myself, Cade, Cassie, Foster, Raven, and Roman. We included the young boy because he was also really good with guns. He was so experienced with guns that we actually decided to let him take the lead. I'd cover the back, and Cade insisted on carrying Foster, but he refused, telling us that his leg felt fine. He was walking on it pretty steady, so we gave him a gun, too. Raven, the youngest, would stay in between Cassie and myself.

I felt horrible for leaving Ana Beth in the camp, but no matter what we said, she insisted on staying. I did leave her with a few weapons, though, just in case.

As we all waited inside, by the front door, I could tell that a few of us were starting to get nervous. Especially Roman. He was pacing back and forth, his hands shaking ever so slightly. He stopped in the middle of the floor, and took a deep breath.

"You okay, Roman?" I asked, watching him as he tried to calm himself.

He closed his eyes, taking a few more deep breaths before finally responding. "I don't want to hurt anybody," He replied in a shaky voice. "But I will if I have to. I'll do whatever it takes to keep Raven and Cassie safe."

I stared down at him, feeling a bit touched. "I know the feeling," I muttered.

As Eli laced up his boots, he said, "Why are you nervous about hurting the people here? You know that they're the bad guys, right?" He finished the last lace. "They kill people in your city without hesitation. They killed my people without a second thought. Why can't we do the same?" He raised an eyebrow as if he had a point.

"They're still people," Oz argued. "And he's a kid. Let him be upset about having to end someone's life."

The room suddenly fell silent, and I could tell Roman was feeling sick again.

"Don't worry," I laid a hand on his shoulder. "You'll be fine." I could hear a hint of guilt in my voice. I felt so sorry for him. I really wished that he could just be a kid, but unfortunately that wasn't an option. You either grew up a warrior or you're dead. My mind suddenly shifted and I saw George's face in my mind. Happy, smiling, young George. I then remember him pulling the trigger, killing Haddon. He couldn't be a kid, either. I shoved the thoughts away, deep down, and held them there as I tried to keep my emotions gagged.

Finally, Seth showed up from the kitchen, slipping on a large pack filled with food and medical supplies. After we leave this house, we weren't coming back, and we all knew it. I'm guessing Cassie, Roman, Raven, and Ana Beth had already said their goodbyes, because now they just stared at eachother with sad eyes. We all stood when Seth approached, and I glanced out the window, seeing the thin orange line across the horizon as the sun almost completely dissapeared beneath us. It was time.

"Alright," Cade said, lifting the hood of his jacket over his head as he spoke. "Listen up, because it's important. If we're going to get out of here alive, you're going to have to be quick. Don't trip, don't stumble, watch your step, and keep moving. Second, if we happen to run into any gaurds, shoot first, ask questions later. If you don't shoot them, they will shoot you. It's them or us, and I don't know about you guys, but I don't plan on dying tonight." He glanced at me, and I nodded once in agreement. He continued. "Stay in formation, and don't run off, or you're good as dead. And the last thing, be very, very quiet." He glanced down at Raven, who stared up at him curiously. "Don't scream if you see a bad guy, okay?" The seven year old nodded, and he turned around to face the rest of us, his eyes stone cold, his face completely hard and emotionless. "Try to dodge bullets as best as you can. None of us have protection, so if we get hit, we're done for. None of us will die, alright? Not tonight. Not for a long time. Okay?"

We all nodded, and he almost smiled. Almost. "So, who's ready to find George and get the hell out of this town?"

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