Truth or dare?

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Annabeth's Pov

I sat by the lake talking with Percy, it was late afternoon and the summer sun shone over the lake making it glisten.
"Isn't it weird how fast this school year has gone by?" Percy says staring into the distance "before I came to Hogwarts I had nobody but Harry and now I have a best friend".
"Aw you're making me blush" I say with a mocking gesture of my hand over my heart.
"I'm not looking forward to leaving Hogwarts for the summer" He tells me "living with the Dursley's is shit".
"I guess we've both been brought up in bad households then" I say "I wish there was an option to stay at Hogwarts in the summer like there is at Christmas".
"Yup" Percy agrees.

We soon stopped our conversation though, as we were alerted to the loud weeping of a girl in the forest. We ran over and at a closer glance, I realised it was Hermione.
I put my hand on her shoulder and softly ask "what happened Hermione?".
"I'm fed up with Harry and Ron" she says "they make my feel worthless and invalid, they're so toxic".
"Same Hermione, same" Percy says.
"If you don't feel like talking to them, you always have us" I tell her "we may be snakes, as many like calling us, but I bet you we are twice as loyal as Harry and Ron could ever be".
"That was such a motivating speech" Percy says grinning.
"Wrong time Percy" I say say, a sly smile etched upon my face "I know right?".
Hermione wipes her eyes with her shirt sleeve and laughs.
"You certainly have more humour than those too have" she says.
"Come on, let's go sit by the lake" I say.
"Me too?" Hermione asks.
"Of course!" Percy answers.

Percy's Pov:

There was always people sitting around the lake, chatting, playing quidditch and other games. But nobody ever went in the water, not even on a hot summer's day. There was the giant squid and other underwater creatures that nobody wanted to go near. Us Slytherin's know exactly what's down there because of our view of it in our common room, but for anyone else it's all just a big mystery.

"Let's play truth or dare" says Annabeth.
"Ooo yes!" Hermione agrees.
"I'm the master of this game" I warn Hermione "I never back down from a dare!".
"Let's see about that..." Hermione says.
"Ok Hermione, Truth or dare?" I ask.
"Truth! It's too early in this game for you to ask me to do something stupid" she replies.
"Good choice" says Annabeth "Percy's dares are the worst!". I jokingly glare at Annabeth.
"Whatever, so truth..." I say scratching my head "What was the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you so far in Hogwarts?".
Hermione blushes a dark shade of red.
"Umm, a couple months ago I tripped over onto Snape" She mutters.
"Wait what?!" Annabeth says flabbergasted "I heard about that but didn't know it was you!".
"Damn" I say.
"Yeah, surprise?!" Hermione says awkwardly.

"Ok Annabeth, truth or dare?" Asks Hermione.
"Dare!" Annabeth says.
"Ok I dare you to go up to Malfoy and ask him out" Hermione says smirking.
"What! No! Not that slime ball!" She responds.
"Yup!" Hermione says.
"Fine!" Annabeth says giving in.

She walks over to Malfoy and me and Hermione watch the show from a distance.

Annabeth gets down to her knees in front of Malfoy and his minions and says "My dear Draco, I have to confess to you..." She says "I am deeply in love with you, will you go out with me?".
"Huh" Says Malfoy "I always knew you were obsessed with me Chase, but if you so deeply want me, then who am I to deny?".
"Oh your such a gentleman" says Annabeth "you're so-". She breaks her act by sniggering.
"What are you laughing about?!" Malfoy sneers.

Now this is when we jump in.

"You're such a good actor Annabeth" I say.
"Yeah, wow!" Hermione agrees.
Malfoy, clearly embarrassed, says "Filthy, insolent, lowlife!" And he storms away with his minions. I hear him yell "my farther will hear about this" in the distance.
"Never again" says Annabeth.
"Ok, Percy truth or dare?" Asks Annabeth.
"Definitely Dare!" I say "bring it on!".
"I dare you to jump in the lake!" She says.
"Uh" I stutter "you sure?".
"Go on mister 'I never back down from a dare'" she replies.
"Alright then" I say and with that, I nervously dive into the water.

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