The first step to becoming an animagus

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A/N: I'm sorry if you got a notification saying that I have updated earlier and then wasn't able to read the chapter, I accidentally published this chapter when it wasn't even half finished so I unpublished it again.

100%. Both me and Annabeth had got 100% on all 3 of our tests. Usually getting that score wouldn't be that impressive but this wasn't a normal test, this was a test that had questions in it that even some 7th years would struggle with. But we weren't 7th years, we were first years. By Sunday, both of our faces were plastered over the front page with the title of 'first year Hogwarts students, smarter than most 7th years!'.

Soon the whole wizarding world will know, I can just picture what people will be thinking... the boy who lived's adoptive brother, smarter than most older students.

But getting that score just made me and Annabeth even more certain that we are ready to become animagi. Today is the full moon. We sneaked two mandrake leaves from Snape's potion cupboard and when the full moon appeared in the sky, we both placed the leaf in our mouths.

"Why do you think that book was allowed in the library anyway? Like it wasn't even in the restricted section or anything" I asked.
"They probably think that nobody is stupid enough to try it" Annabeth answered.
"Well they're wrong, nobody could be stupider than me" I joked.

You may be thinking 'but Percy! Dumb people don't get 100% on tests!' And saying that, you would be correct but that's not what I'm bad at. I'm bad at muggle subjects, like maths and English. You don't want to know how many times I failed my classes and almost got kicked out of the school for reasons I can't explain. I was not known as the 'good kid'. Every time I failed, my aunt and uncle would remind me of how stupid and useless I am. But luckily for me... this isn't muggle school, this is a school for witches and wizards. A place that I slightly fit in.

Soon, it was halloween and there was just one more day until the next full moon, then we would be able to start step 2.

Toffee apples. Cauldrons of Lollypops and sweets. Floating pumpkins and bats. I'm not going to lie, this halloween feast is amazing. Even better, tomorrow is the full moon and we'll be able to start the second step of our animagus transformation. But of course, like everything always happens in my life, something had to go wrong.
"TROLLLLLL IN THE DUNGEON" Professor Quirrell yelled coming through the doors of the great hall "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON... thought you ought to know". Everyone was screaming, desperately trying to leave. Professor Quirrell fainted.
"Even my acting skills are better than that" I said.
"How does nobody else see how suspicious he is?!" Annabeth said.

But we didn't have much more time for conversation as Dumbledore yelled "SILENCE"
"Will everyone please, not panic" He said. What did you expect people to do Gandalf?! A freakin' troll is wondering around the place! "Prefects will lead your house back to the dormitories, teachers will follow me to the dungeons".

I love the fact that he fails to realise that the Slytherin dormitories are in the dungeons... we headed down to the dungeons anyway. Clearly nobody really cares what happens to us.

Me and Annabeth were at the very back of the line, so when a fifty year old women (that I had never seen before) says that we need to come with her, nobody makes a fuss. She pulled us into a spare classroom, I looked away one second and suddenly she had transformed into an old hag with leathery wings, claws, yellow fangs and glowing eyes.

"Master Hades knows all about this 'wizarding' world" she said glaring at us "and if you dare reveal your parentage, either of you, you'll be at risk of eternal torture and the fall of the world".
"I don't know my mum or dad!" I said.
"I don't know my mum!" Annabeth agreed.
"Exactly" she said disappearing.

What parentage... who was my mum and dad? Why can't we 'reveal' our parentage?

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