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Ethan takes me to a café for breakfast, he grabs a muffin and a milkshake, cause apparently he doesn't eat much. I ordered pancakes and some orange juice.
"Hm" i look up at Ethan that has a worried look in his eyes.
"Are you okay"
"Yeah im fine, why?"
"Your gonna see you little sister in the hospital thats gonna be shitty for you" Ethan Said.
"Yeah i know, but im just hoping they didnt do much damage to her" i sighed.
Ethan ruffled my hair. I winced, i forgot my head was still sore.
"Still hurt" i whispered.
"Sorry" he whispers back to me.
I giggled quietly.
Ethan smiled softly.
"You done" Ethan asks me.
"Uh- yeah" i awkwardly say.
He places money on the table and leads me out of the café and drags me to the car.
"Get in the car, i have to go do something" he directs me.
"Yup" i say getting in the car.
I grabbed my phone out and started messaging Amelia
Asher: Hey
Amelia: Hi whats up
Asher: oh im with Ethan right now, im sitting in his car alone.
Amelia: ooo bet he'll take you to a café
Asher: hes done that
Amelia: omg what a gentlemen, hes a keeper Asher
Asher: it was very much platonic Amelia
Amelia: mhm, im coming next week
Asher: Cant wait to see you
Amelia: im going to tease the shit out of you cause i like full on ship you and Ethan
Asher: you barely know him
Asher: welp Ethans coming back so bye
Amelia: bye bye ;)
I put my phone down as soon as Ethan got into the car.
"Who you messaging?" He asks
"Oh okay"
"Shes coming next week, would it be okay if she stays with us" i ask giving Ethan pleading eyes.
"Sure" he smiles softly at me.
He starts the car and he drives to the hospital.
"Can i see Bella, im her older brother" i ask the lady at the counter.
"Third floor, room 143" she says, pointing to the elevator.
I grab Ethan's arm and run to the elevator pressing button for it to open multiple times.
The elevator opens and theres no one in, im relieved as i walk into the elevator and press the button for the third floor. As the doors close, Ethan sinks to the ground.
"You good" i say looking down at Ethan.
"Huh?- oh, yeah im fine, sore legs thats all"
I hummed in response.
I sit down next to Ethan. He looks at me and smiles. "You must have a good relationship with your sister" he breaks the silence.
"Yeah i do"
He smiles at me again.
I stand up cause the doors are about to open and Ethan follows my lead.
Once the doors open, i grab Ethan's arm again and drag him down the corridor till i find Bella's room.
"Asher calm down, its okay shes gonna be fine" he stops to reassure me infront of Bella's room. I nod. I swing the door open, and walk in and see Bella's face light up when she sees me.
"Bella oh my god, are you okay" i hug her.
"Yeah mum didnt hurt me that much"
She says as i look at the bandage round her head.
She looks away from me, "who's that" she says pointing at Ethan.
"Ethan, a friend, im staying at his house currently"
She smirks.
"What" i look at her.
"Romantic?" She says raising her eyebrows.
"Bella, you know ive never had a crush on someone and me and Ethan are platonic" i say rolling my eyes.
Ethan walks up to me, wrapping his arm round my waist, pulling me closer to his body.
"Totally platonic huh Ash"
I push Ethan away from me.
"Ethan, your gonna give Bella wrong ideas and it is VERY platonic"
"Im joking Asher, our relationship is very much platonic Bella"
Bella nods.
Ethan still remains close to me but hes not touching me.
"Soo Asher have you liked anyone?" Bella teases
"No-" i look at her like shes an idiot
"What a shame, well theres like a student doctor thats been coming in and stuff, i think you'll like him"
I roll my eyes and then a dude walks in.
I look over to him and he just stops in his tracks and locks eye contact with me.
"Bella, you never said you older brother was adorable" he says walking up to me.
"Im assuming this is the student doctor" i say pointing at him. He look around my age.
"Yup" Bella said smiling.
The student doctor grabs my waist and pulls me closer.
"Woah slow down, i don't even know your name" i say pushing his away.
"Joshua, or just josh"
"Mkay Asher, im Asher"
I roll my eyes.
"Bratty too, thats even cuter"
I looked over at Ethan, he seemed to look Awkward.
"Cool" i told josh
He just smirked at me.
I rolled eyes and turned back to Bella.
"Who said i was gay Bel-" i was cut off by Joshua grinding up against me.
I turn to him, push him off me. I look him dead in the eye and point a finger at him, "dont fucking do that, i can tell someone and you'll lose your chances of getting a job like this, so dont" i scold him, i go to walk out but i stop and walk up to Ethan, and look at Bella who looks pissed off at Josh, "i will come back to see you tomorrow if i have time" i smile at her, which she returns. I grab Ethan's arm and drag him out of there and into yet another empty elevator.
"Hey you okay Asher" he says looking at me worried.
"Yeah im fine" i say smiling at Ethan on the urge of laughing.
Ethan read my expression, "you scared the shit outta him, you looked so cool" he started laughing.
"I know right did you see his face" i started laughing aswell.

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