Whiskey Bubbls

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 "Called it."

I didn't dare look over my shoulder. I recognized the voice to a degree, I should have anyway. I had heard it a thousand times over the radio, cussing out Jet for some dirty trick I had played. Or while being chased on foot. I hung my head, sighing heavily. Taking care of hits while covering my tracks nearly every second of the day had been exhausting. So sue me! I went down to my favorite little red planet. Seeing if the sun would have set just before happy hour ended.

"Called what?" I hissed, taking a sip from my whiskey. Was it really too much to have a drink in peace? Or while hiding away on the Icarus? I recognized the figure that came to sit on my left, and immediately felt like a kid with my hand caught in the cookie jar.

"You made a comment to the lil ramen shopkeep-"

"Nikki." Was my reply without hesitation. The mental image of a sweet smile and a soft, kind voice filled my head.

A beat.

"You... You remember her name?" Was the Bounty Hunter's inquiry as he sat down beside me.

"Is it really that shocking?" I tiredly asked over the edge of my glass.

"Yes. Why would anyone care about something so small like that? Let alone some assassin mucking about the Milky Way?"

"Kindness tends to have that effect on people. Yes, I may be able to speak your language. But I can't read it to save my life. It's a little funny when people think they can tell me that, "Hey. This says there's no smoking here." Thanks random Human. I cant fucking. Read," Exhaling a cloud of smoke, I watched the lanky Bounty Hunter from the corner of my vision, "So picture it. A place you've never been before. With a foregin tongue you can speak - rather fluently might I add - but you can't read it. Having just completed a bounty, you decide to treat yourself. So you go down to your favorite planet, find a restaurant with your favorite food and- You can't order. Because you can't. Read. The. Menu. However, this Human - out of the sheer kindness of her heart - goes out of her way to teach you how to read said menu. To the point you can do it on your own! So yes! I do remember her name."

I drained the rest of my whiskey, and went to collect my jacket when his hand landed on my shoulder. An iron grip forced me back into my seat. Not something I thought the string bean would possess. I honestly thought he would be some kind of weapons expert.

"Where do you think you're going, Ghost?" Sighing, I procured the useless piece of plastic that contained my money. Tossing it onto the bar.

"Thanks for reminding me. How much?" The Hunter's grip loosened, turning himself towards me.


Draping my jacket over my shoulders, and trapping my cigarette between my lips, I began to do the mental math on how much I could give. The highest I'd be able to let go of being three million- Well... Highest I could go without fuck myself over too badly. Twirling my card between my fingers, I went on.

"I mean if you boys are after me for my bounty-"

"You're not paying us off. We don't operate like that. Plus, Jet would have my ass if I took up on offers like that."

"Yeah, I thought so. 'Specially with an ex-ISSP like that," Meeting chocolate brown eyes, I flashed a shit eating grin, "I did my research. Which, I've been itching to know. If you boys are after me for my luscious seven million bounty, why not turn in Miss Valentine? Unless one of you has gotten too attached, which seems to be a theme for you, Spiegel."

"How do you-"

"You haven't been paying attention, have you? Let me give you a little piece of the puzzle," I took a drag of my cigarette, puffing out a fluffy white cloud, "The Black Moon often deals with syndicates, especially the Red Dragon. We know all about you. And Vicious. And... her. Yes, all I have are rumors. But, for a dead man walking, you're doing a terrible job of laying low."

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