So, Are We Cool?

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As the rest of the band walked, Will followed closely behind, but not completely- There was still someone in dead last. Mike. Of course, it was like the universe was always trying to push them together. This wasn't the first time they had been in awkward situations after their falling out. In freshman year, they both got assigned to do a big 1 month presentation together in social studies, and in junior year they both were forced to volunteer at homecoming. So, Will just decided to keep his distance.

Robin's house wasn't very far away, and when everyone arrived they were greeted with a big smile from Robin's mom. She offered them snacks and drinks and asked Will all sorts of questions, which Will found a bit nerve-racking but incredibly sweet. "Mom, I'm sure you and Will can talk later but we have to start practice."

"Oh okay, well it was lovely meeting you Will!

"You as well!" Will replied as he followed Robin down the steps into the basement. When he was downstairs, he took in the spaciousness of the place. It had a large couch, a TV, was decked out in posters, and had a pretty awesome drum set, there was also a microphone, a black guitar, and even a shelf full of records.

"Wow.." Was all Will could get out at first, he was in awe.

"All of this is yours?" Will finally asked.

"Well most of it, the guitar, drums, and microphone are mine, the couch and TV were here before, and the posters and records are kinda from all of us.

"Do you mind if I look?" Asked Will, pointing towards the record shelf he just could not tear his eyes from.

"Of course! If you want to borrow any feel free." Robin said happily, and then proceeding to plop onto the couch with everyone else.

Will practically skipped over to the shelf and immediately began sifting through all the music. He did so for a few minutes till he spotted it, Three Imaginary Boys. His favorite album from The Cure. He practically screamed, he picked it up without a thought and held it up for Robin to see.

"Hey, uh- do you mind if I borrow this?" Robin opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted.

"Um, you can keep it. It's- It's mine anyways." Mike. Will wondered if he remembered that it was his favorite album, or if he was just being nice. Either way, he was happy.


Mike did nothing but nod.

"Alright guys, how 'bout we get started?" Robin announced loudly, sitting up. Everyone nodded, Max heading to the drums, Eddie pulling his guitar from the case he had been hauling around, Mike doing the same, and Robin pulling out a bright purple keyboard.

"God, Robin, you're going to blind us all with that thing." Eddie said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, whatever. I think it's pretty sick. What do you think, Will?"

Will went pink, "Um, well, I like it." He said shyly, Will was never one to start a fight.

"Ha! Told ya." Robin laughed, raising her middle finger at Eddie.

"He only agreed with you because he's nice-" Eddie began, but was interrupted by Max, who was clearly pissed.

"Just shut up, let's get started okay?" Everyone nodded, and Will sat off to the side, having nothing to do.

They started off with a slow song, it began with guitar and then went to Robin singing. Robin's voice was enchanting, very calming Will thought. She sounded like the birds singing in the morning. But Will was even more amazed when he heard Mike sing.

Will new Mike could sing, but he had never heard it before. Mike had always refused to sing for him, so this was the first time he had heard it. His voice mesmerized Will, and he couldn't take his eyes off him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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