Chapter 2

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It was a mess. I wanted to complain but I decided not to. I knew those people, the landlord's relatives and no one has the right to complain when it comes to them. Of course, it's wrong but what else can we do?

I locked myself in my room, while secretly listening to them. They don't care about the tenants, so, they're loud as they can be. Sometimes, I wonder if that's how they normally talk—I mean, they're almost screaming.

"Idiot! Ghosts aren't real," one of them said while laughing.

Hmmm. I am not sure about that. They can be real or not but here's one I know, people needs to focus on more important things in their life rather than fooling around the abandoned house and ruining everyone's mood. Yep, that includes the ghosts if they are real.

They were lucky that Claro isn't here or maybe these annoying people arw because they knew Claro won't be here.

Claro's a gangster. That's what everyone is saying. He loves to drink and punch someone, he lives in room 40 here. But he's actually nice and he hates people like them.

He's not going to let them go, he's going to punch them and when the landlord gets mad—he's going to punch him too.

Claro probably went to his friends, he admitted than he's not comfortable in this place. He can afford another apartment but he said that it was too much of a hassle.

It seemed to me that Claro knew about the room 42. I wanted to ask him and I got the chance to ask him back then but I am afraid to know the truth.

It doesn't mean that I am going to keep silent about it. I just need time.

It doesn't seem I am the youngest tenant here. Just a week ago, a young girl occupied room 46. She's sweet but obviously afraid.

No one likes a creepy place except people like us who are lost. We didn't found this place, this place found us.

And I think that's terrifying.

While looking for a book, I heard several screams, followed that a bunch of footsteps. They were running away, I can still hear them in the hallways.

There was a peephole in the door. I tried to look and my eyes widened by the realization that those stupid annoying people didn't close the door.

Room 42 is open.

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