Chapter 10

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I keep following at these people in front of me but it seemed like they didn't see me. They have these weird devices—I think they are use for ghost hauntings.

But why would ghosts have that kind of devices?

"What the hell. Who are they?!" I heard Claro speak.

"I don't know. I  just followed them," I whispered so they couldn't here me.

"Is there anybody here?" One of the people asked.

"What are you blind? Yes there's one. Do you want a blackeye or something?!" Claro shout at them.

"What the hell the kids are sleeping!" The woman from room 50 said. I rolled my she's also screaming, it was a schock that she didn't notice that.

But what's more shocking was these people didn't seem to hear.

Then all of the tenants here in this floor, opened their doors. They slowly went to our side trembling.

"Who are these people," the girl from 41, she's clinging to her abusive husband. Shocking she still wants him.

"I don't know,"I whispered.

"I can feel something," one of these people said. What did that person mean by that?

"They didn't seem to notice us,"the woman from 50 said while holding her sleeping child. Her husband is carrying the other one.

"Stupid people. This is trespassing where the hell is the landlord?" Claro said. He went to them but they didn't seem to notice them—just like what happened to me and tbe guard, they ignored us.

He's going to punch the older guy when his fist pass through that guy's face.

Claro's eyes widended. We fell silent for a few minutes then everyone started screaming.

It's not just the tenants but also the trespassers everyone's in chaos.

"Those people are ghosts!" The girl from 46 exclaimed.

She's right, there's no other explanation. They probably living in a different realm right now and they think, they're alive!

I heard that somewhere on tv. That must be the reason.

I just don't feel good. We all went downstairs in the lounge hoping that we won't see them again.

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