Chapter 8

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This is what's going to happen if people suddenly care about each other—a mess. A big mess.

Days after we entered the room, a lot of us became fidgety. I think, what we experienced made us paranoid.

Everyone decided it's better for us to have a daily meeting in the lounge. The guard, the landlord and the vendor joined us for some reason.

"This is not good. It's probably your fault, that's why no one wants to live in my building!" The landlord cried. Why is this guy blaming us?

"Idiot. No one wants to live here because this place is not livable, besides, remember the fire?!" Claro said. He's really the only one who can talk back to him.

He's right. No one wants to live here, except us desperare people. The rent here was quite cheap. We just need to endure the place.

The fire too, that was three years ago. Come to think everything became like  this because of the fire.

"This is such a good place. I like this place," the vendor laughed. He probably likes it because he can sleep in the lounge or have a chitchat with the guard after work.

"Yeah right. You use all the amenities here and yet you never contribute!" The landlord said.

"What amenities?" The vendor laughed.

Yeah. There's nothing in here, except the mashing machine that's probably been there for so long. Maybe the wifi? It's as slow as a turtle.

"There's nothing in here," I said. They all looked at me, then nod with a smile except the landlord who looked furious.

"Ungrateful!" The landlord exclaimed.

"What do you mean everyone's paying," Claro smirked.

The landlord screamed in frustration. I almost laugh because of it.

"Who screamed?" Someone from the outside of the building said.

"Who's that?" The girl from 46 asked.

"Hey guard. It's your job. Go!" Teh landlord said. The guard scratched his head and stood up.

Only a few minutes have passed when he went inside frowning.

"Sir. There's no one in there," he said looking terrified.

"But we heard someone talk," the girl from 41 mumbled.

"Must be prospective tenants," the landlord said as he storm away.

"There will never be new tenants here." Claro shook his head.

Maybe he's right. No one wants to live in a place that was once caught on a fire.

It happened once and it can happen again.

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