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This song is in this chapter, it's amazing.

We were silent until a song came on that I sang.

"Hey, it's "I Don't Know What We're Talking About."

She nodded.

"Yep. It's a great song, I love the part where you start yelling, it's so funny."

I smiled and bowed a little bit "I'm glad you enjoy it."

Her face turned red as she looked away. (Why did this sentence remind me of Doki Doki?)

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She didn't try to tell me anything.

"Was it something I said?"

She shook her head.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded before she slowly started to say "I'm thinking of something."

I nodded "Oh."

"I want to do something but I don't know what will happen if I do."

"But my friends tell me to ignore what other people say or do if it doesn't pertain to me."

"But I'm worried, but I want to do it."

"You should do it." I said, not knowing what she's talking about, partly because I was listening to the song that was playing.

She looked at me "Really?"

"Yeah, who cares what you do?"

"Apparently all of the internet." She said.


"Is it morally wrong?"

She shook her head.

"Will it make people sad?"

She shook her head again.

"Then do it, you don't think that peoples opinions actually matter, do you?"

"No! Fuck everybody!"

She went quiet "No, don't fuck everybody, I was just saying, fuck them."

I chuckled.

"Would you like to come in?"

"Yeah, I would." I walked into her office.

She closed the door behind me and I heard another song that came on.

It's "I Was Made For Lovin' You." By Kiss.

"Please, sit down."

"I love 70's music." I said.

She giggled "Me too."

She sat down on her chair and she started working again.

I took a seat on another chair that she had.

A couple minutes went by and I started to get bored, spinning in the chair.

"I bought that chair." She said and I stopped spinning in it.

"I thought so." She said, passive aggressively.

"I thought that someone lent you these chairs."

"Everything in this room, except the computers and the tables are something that I brought in from my apartment."

"You had two crazy expensive office chairs in your apartment?"

"Yeah, I was making mad cash at my last job before I was laid off indefinitely."


"Yeah, I was basically rich."

"I was making $23.29 an hour, and I was making..." She went quiet, doing the math in her head. "$209 a day and... $6,288 a month."

"Rent was only $500 a month, which is cheap as fuck, and now they raised the rent to $1,250 a month."



"You still live there?"

She sighed "Yes."

"I don't mean for this to sound weird but you could move in with me in my house."

She looked at me.


"Yeah, I have an extra room."

"And we could just carpool instead of wasting gas."

She smiled.

"Thanks, but, I'm doing fine now, if I'm having some troubles I'll come talk to you." She looked back at the screen.

Y/n's pov

"Or maybe if we were dating, right?"

My eyes looked at him, but I did not turn my head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, an amused look on my face.

"Well, we love each other, it's just obvious that we'd start dating or start going on dates at this point."

"Are you asking me out on a date, Avidan?" I smirk.

"Yes, yes I am."

I smiled "Good."



He smiled.


"6:00 would be better."

"What are you doing at 5?"

I looked at him.

"Brushing my dogs."

His jaw dropped.

"You have more than one dog?" His voice went kinda high pitched with excitement.

"Yes, my landlord likes dogs so I got two golden retrievers, who will guilt trip anyone that comes over for food."

"But I suppose that's partly my fault, for giving them the last bite of my foods."

He nodded as I was talking.

"Who wouldn't? They deserve the last bites." He said, completely agreeing with me.

I smiled as I saw his face close to mine.

We leaned in for a kiss when there was a knock at the door.

"Y/n? Are you busy?" Arins voice echoed through the door.

"Fuck this guy." I muttered and Dan started laughing as he backed away.

"Come in!" I said, my hands at my keyboard and mouse.

Arin opened the door and saw us hanging out.

"Having fun?"

"Yeah, we were just talking about ideas."

"She said that we should do something about dinosaurs!"

"I love dinosaurs!" Dan said, completely in fake awe, playing the part too well so arin would believe him.

You're So Fucking Breathtaking || Dan AvidanWhere stories live. Discover now