!Epel x Reader! My Adorable Apple

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You were walking towards Crowley's office with a form in your hand. You wanted to sign up to be manager of the Magift club, since a student requirement was to join a club. 

*Knock knock*

"Come in!" 

You open the door and find Crowley pouring over some paperwork. (omg he's finally being responsible!)

He looks up and sees you.

"Ah! MC! What brings you here on this lovely day?"

You give Crowley a deadpanned for his over enthusiasm look before sighing and handing him the form.

"Since it is a requirement for all students to be part of a club, I have decided to be manager of the Magift Club." 

Crowley takes your form, scans over quickly and then nods.

"Very well, MC. Thank you. Their meeting days are every day, weekends excluded from 3:00-4:30 after school."

You nod and turn on your heel to head to your last class of the day. On the way, you run into Epel, who was quickly trying to make it on time to class while carrying some boxes.

"Epel! Hey! Why are you in such a rush?"

He turns around and sees you walking towards him, and he blushes. He's had a major crush on you since what seemed like the beginning of time (EPEL MY SWEET!)

"O-oh! MC! I was just heading to class earlier because I need to give these to Trein-sensei!"

"Hmm. Those look heavy Epel. Let me take a box or two."

"Oh! N-no need! I can handle it all, don't worry. It will help with me getting stronger anyway!"

"Nonsense." you take one of the boxes from Epel to lessen his load and you both started walking and talking to class.

"Say, MC? Have you joined a club yet? I turned in my form for the Magift club a couple weeks ago, but I was wondering which club you joined."

You turned your head towards Epel and gave a sly smirk. Magift, huh? You decided to surprise Epel with the fact that you had become that club's manager.

"Why yes, Epel dear. I have joined a club. However, what club I joined is going to remain a secret."

"Ne~ But why! I wanna know!" Epel pleads.

You laugh and put a finger to his mouth.

"Be patient, Epel~" you speak in a slightly flirty tone making him blush a deep shade of red.

Soon, you both get to Trein's class and drop off the boxes before sitting down and listening to his lesson. Grim immediately fell asleep and so you had to smack him on the head once in a while to get him to wake up (Grim, this is why you are failing and how you ended up working for Azul and putting us through so much trouble. -_-).

Soon, class ends and you and Epel part ways for some time. You head back to your dorm to change into something more comfortable before heading to the fields where Magift practice takes place. 

Once you arrive, you see Leona, the club captain, flipping through some papers as the other members are stretching before practice starts.

"Ohhh Leona~" He tenses up at the sound of your voice.

"Damn it..." he mumbles before facing you, "so, you're here, huh?"

You gave him a cheeky smile. Of course, Leona did not look pleased to see you. You were Ruggie's pranking buddy, and he was always the victim, so he got annoyed by your antics quite a bit. (SLAY! Prank that lazy lion.)

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