!Vargas x Reader! Gym Crush

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So uh- this is a sort of modern AU. No magic and stuff. Uh- yea that's abt it. You two are the same age ofc. Vargas will be VERY OOC in this one-shot. Without any more delays, let's start!


The first thing you noticed when you set foot in the new gym wasn't the smell, though that was there, and it was disgusting. (I agree. Gyms smell terrible)

It was the big crowd of people, and it seemed like they were watching someone... lift weights? You were slightly curious about what the big ordeal was, so you made your way to where the crowd was. You push through a few people and what do you see?

You see a very muscular, almost overly muscular, man. He had short black hair and blue eyes. (I agree, I think Vargas has too much muscle. Sorta unsettling-)

From what you could gather from the situation, someone challenged the man to a sort of weight lifting competition. You shrugged your shoulders, now uninterested in the whole ordeal.

Walking away, you make your way over to the treadmill. You loved running, and since you had a big marathon coming up, you thought you'd do a bit of training. (This is the TOTAL opposite of me. I hate running. I'm more of a swimmer 🤪)

You take off your hoodie, revealing a dark red tank top to go with the black shorts you were wearing. (I tried to make it as Gender Neutral as i could- 😭)

You put in your headphones and played your workout playlist. Pressing the start button on the workout machine, you start your workout with a slow jog, before picking up the pace.

You were so engrossed in your workout that you didn't notice the big crowd watching the weight lifting competition dispersed and everyone went back to doing their own thing.

The man who you thought was a bit overly buff was flexing his muscles in the mirror, but occasionally, he took a few glances over at you. You noticed this a few times, but ignored it. (Vargas... your inner Rook Hunt is showing-)

It seemed as though he was... frustrated. But at what? Was it the fact that you ignored his so called "awesome" weight lifting feat?

You just ignored him, and you continued your workout. Halfway through it, you decided to take a bit of a break. You stop the treadmill and take your gum towel, wiping off sweet from your forehead.

You sat at the bench near the treadmill and drank some water while scrolling on your phone. You felt a pair of eyes watching you. You glance up in the direction of where you thought the gaze was coming from and noticed the same overly-muscled man staring at you from the weight lifting area not far from where you were. (Vargas and Rook have been having too many hunting/bonding sessions together 😰)

You call out to him.

"Can I help you?"

The man looks startled. You continue to speak.

"I've noticed you watching or glancing or whatever at me for quite a while. Do you need something or are you being weird?"

The man clears his throat and walks over to you. When he approaches you, he speaks.

"I apologize if I was being weird or rude by staring."

"It's fine whatever, but why?"

"Well, there's a few reasons. Uh, I think your pretty and your really athletic."

You look at the man, blinking in shock and confusion as you process what he said. You then burst out laughing. The man looked at you, slightly confused. (MC has the most beautiful laugh ever. I can just hear it in my head, and it's so beautiful)

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