!OrthoxReader! I Will Marry You

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Both the MC and Ortho are children here. About 6-7 years old? Idk. This is also kinda a Halloween special one-shot. Also, Ortho, didn't like die and get turned into a robot, like what his lore says.


"Come on MC! You're going to be late to go trick-or-treating with Ortho! I'm pretty sure Idia doesn't want to be outside longer than he has to be!"

You were taking a bit too long to change into your costume, so your older brother, Yuchiro, had to called out to you, telling you to hurry up. (You can change the name of the brother if you want. It was just random lol.)

"I'm coming Nii-san!! Just hold on!"

After a couple of minutes, you finally came down wearing your outfit. It was a pretty blue dress, and you wore small, comfortable dress. Your hair was tied up into a bun, not a single stray hair loose (Basically Cinderella TvT).

Your brother nods in approval before taking you outside to meet Ortho, who was wating for you. He was dressed in a nice, princely suit/attire (Imagine any Disney prince who wears a suit).

"MCCC! You're finally here! I've been waiting for you!"

"Hehehe I'm sorry Ortho! But I'm here now! I really like your costume!"

"Well I think your outfit is more beautiful than all the other people's costume. You look like real princess!" (OH he's so sweet TvT)

You giggled in thanks before Ortho grabbed your hand and started dragging you towards some of the houses that were giving out candy.

"H-Hey! Ortho wait! Y-You can't just go running off like that!!" Idia was chasing after the two of you while Yuchiro just stood bye, laughing. He thought that you and Ortho looked adorable together as a pair.

You and Ortho went around to multiple houses, gathering all the candy y'all could get.

You guys had a ritual where you'd gather all the candy and then sort it out. Then, you both would do exchanges of what y'all like and don't like. You guys did it every year.

"Trick or Treat!!"

It has been about an hour and a half, and you and Ortho were stopping at your last house before going back to your place.

"Ohhhh! You both are so adorable! A prince and a princess. A perfect match!"

The lady who answered the door couldn't stop gushing at how cute you and Ortho looked in your costumes.

"Hehe thank you ma'am!" You giggled in response.

The lady had given you a couple full sized candy bars, and just as you both said goodbye, Ortho made an announcement.

"MC! I've come to a decision. When we're older, I'm gonna marry you! We'll become real royalty and rule over the entire world together!"

Everyone was silent for a second before you shouted out.

"REALLY?! I've always wanted to be a real princess!"

You two ran back to your house and Yuchiro chuckled at the both of y'all while the lady was seemingly in tears about how adorable the two of
you were.

Soon, you both arrived at your house and you both sat down and started sorting out your candy.


"Yes MC?"

"At our wedding, can we have a really big chocolate cake with flowers on it? I want there also to be a lot of flowers for decorations!"

"Hehe! Yea! That would be so fun!"

Y'all spent the rest of the night just sorting through the candy, spending time with each other, and even planning out your future wedding.


(A timeskip of abt like 20 ish years occured.)

"You look absolutely beautiful, MC."

Your brother stood at the doorway of the room where you were getting ready.

"I can't believe my little sister is already grown up and getting married T-T"

"Yuchiro... calm down. It's not like I'm going to distance myself from you after you get married."

"I know. But still. Your future husband better treat you correctly. Or I swear I will hunt him down and kill him."

You chuckle at his response before you start adding your final touches to your look. Wearing a long white wedding gown/formal white suit with some authentic white satin gloves(if you want), Yuchiro helps you put in your hair pieces and your necklace/necktie.

Soon, Idia walks up to the door and knocks.

"It's time. We're all ready."

You turn around and smile at Idia. He looks at you and returns the smile.

Yuchiro takes our arm and walks you down to the big double doors.

"You ready?"

"Yes, I am."

The doors open, and Yuchiro walks you down the aisle, towards your future husband.

You get to the alter, and Ortho takes your hands.

The priest getting you both mumbles the formal stuff that's said at a wedding. (Idk what they are  oops)

"Do you, Ortho Shroud, take the lovely MC to be your wife/husband?"

Ortho looks into your eyes as he speaks.

"I do."

You smile.

"Do you, MC, take the dashing Ortho Shroud as your husband?"

"I do."

(imagine if one of them said no 🫢)

"Then, I pronounce you husband and wife/husband. You may now kiss."

You and Ortho kissed, sealing your future together with each other.

Ortho pulls away and touches his forehead to yours.

"I told you, I'd keep our promise from when we were kids. I said I will marry you, and I did."

You chuckle and close your eyes.

"I never doubted it for a second."



DONE! 1020 words. A bit short, but it's fine. Did this upload late? Yes. I'm sorry abt it. Wattpad wasn't working and wouldn't publish this story. But I hope you enjoyed this one-shot. It took me a while to think abt how I wanted to write it, but I kinda like how it turned out. Sorry for any type of mistake. Next is going to be a Sebek one-shot coming in two weeks!!

Bye my lovely readers!

Fanart of the Day:

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He looks adorable. My son 🥹

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