Warning, Warning! Read All About It!

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PLEASE READ!This chapter is important, and we promise, not too science-y

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This chapter is important, and we promise, not too science-y.

This survey does not reflect what everyone on Wattpad thinks. We didn't take a random group of people, so we can't do fancy math and say, "Oh, this new tactic wows 99.9% of all Wattpaders." What we can say is that 99.9% of the people we talked to were wowed.

Don't see the difference? Let's do a fun example.

Say you needed to pick a class for next semester (for those of you not in school, shhh, just pretend). You want to pick an easy, fun one, so you ask 100 other students what class they think you should take. Eighty of them say, "Oh, Mrs. Sparkle's Creative Writing class is the best!"

Does that mean that 80% of students at Imaginary High (or worse, all students at Imaginary High) believe that Mrs. Sparkle's Creative Writing class is the best?

Well, no. It'd be kind of silly to say that. After all, you might have happened to ask all the people in Writing Club. Or maybe you talked to the only 80 students in the entire school who even like writing. Or maybe you talked to a bunch of underclassmen, and the low-level Creative Writing classes are easy, but the high-level ones are hard. You'll be in for quite the shock when you walk into Mrs. Sparkle's class thinking we're discussing setting and plot and find instead that we're rewriting Shakespeare.

So you can't say most people in school agree that Mrs. Sparkle is the best, but you can say that the people you talked to agree that she's the best. And if that many people agree, maybe they're onto something. Maybe they're not, but you have more information than you used to at least.

This is important because people really, really like to take surveys out of context. We're not here to tell you what everyone thinks. We're here to tell you what the people we talked to think. And maybe telling their story will help you tell yours.

On that note, we ask that you read the chapters in order. There are sections in some chapters that we've marked as Skippable if you're not a details person, and you're welcome to jump over those at your discretion. However, we carefully put the chapters in a particular order hoping that everyone can come away with a common understanding. Please don't skip stuff randomly. Just like in a story, the good stuff at the end won't make much sense or be as impactful without understanding the beginning and middle.

 Just like in a story, the good stuff at the end won't make much sense or be as impactful without understanding the beginning and middle

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