𝖧𝖾𝗋 𝗏𝗈𝗂𝖼𝖾.

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It had been a couple hours after carol fingerfucked me in the bathroom. After that she wouldnt leave my side, at the moment I was sitting next to her at her table as she was smoking and playing cards. I got givin some glares from the other girls for being so close to carol but I didn't care really.

After carol won her game I was about to stand up but everyone including me heard her growl. " Sit your ass down Tahlia. "  She said and I obeyed. My emotions for carol denning were weird. When I wasnt around her I felt free but unsafe and sad
But when i was around her. I felt..

Happy , Safe but controlled.

It was weird but I couldnt complain, a dangerous but respected lady in prison liked me. So I told myself to shut the fuck up and deal with her.

That's when she wouldnt piss me off. This time she did.

Right now Me and carol were arguing. She was mad because I sat next to someone she did not like but I didn't  care.

" I was just sitting next to her. We didnt even talk!" I said and carol just paced infront of me. "But why would you sit next to her anyways! " She yelled. I had enough so instead of retaliation I just tried to calm her down. " I know. I'm sorry.." I said getting off the bunk and wrapped my arms around her waist. " Dont be mad..fuck that whore." I say pulling her into me. She looks away then looks at me.

"If I catch you near her shes dead.." She said i nodded. We didnt have a label, me and carol, we also never got to the 'iloveyou' stage I think it's just I belong to her.


I walked into the library and I seen frieda so I go say hello. "Hey berlin!" I said walking over to her, she gave me a quick smile, "Hey Tahlia wheres carol? " She asked and I rolled my eyes. " Playing fucking cards, I slipped away while I could. I think shes gonna be mad. " I said while laughing and frieda just chuckled.

My smile fades and I clear my throat.
" Hey.. can i complain to you for a sec?."
I asked her and she nodded, " I'm not aloud any friends..basically. Carol she dosent like me hanging out with other woman. And trust me i dont wanna upset carol i like spending time with her-" I tried to ramble on but frieda just sighed.

" I ain't ever seen Carol care for a girl like you before. Feel special alright?."

She said and I processed what she said.
Was she being for real?. I stumbled out of the library and seen carol down the hall.
She spotted me and stomped over grabbing my arm harshly. " Where the hell did you go?!." She said but I just smiled.

" I was just talking to frieda, dont worry that hot little head of yours. "

I walked off infront of her and she just stood there, I could feel her eyes digging at the back of my head. Maybe I should give Carol a chance. If she treats me differently to anyone else then I take it as a good sign.


It was the day. Where Cblock was going to HIT Dblock without them even knowing.

I was with Carol and 2 other inmates waiting for frieda. She was taking her sweet ass fucking time. "Where are the weapons?" 1 inmate said but carol snared back. "Use what god gave you what are ya a fucking pussy?!" She puffed on her cigarette fuck she looked hot.

Everyone gets online for kickball and barb kicked the ball over toward carol. Carol grabbed her shiv and stabbed the ball while screaming.

2 minutes later Dblock and Cblock are fighting. I punched a Dblock chick and I seen carol with a shiv to Barbs neck but they were talking.

" FRIEDA!!!!"

I hear Carol yell and stab the ground. Why was she yelling friedas name, Wait frieda wasnt here when this was Her plan. Cblock and dblocks shit goes miss- oh...my fuck.

Carol got up and looks at me with a deadly face expression.

" It was fucking her."


I'm going to fucking kill berlin if she ever shows up here again. "I GOT 10 MORE YEARS CAUSE OF THAT BITCH!" I said to Carol and she just shook her head.

"Stop talking about it. Or I'll make you."

Carol said and I just paced around the room. I was furious. Now I had 40 fucking years!. We had found out Frieda sold us out and she got transferred. If she ever came back here I would kill her with my bare hands.


I sat on my bunk bed and carol was just sucking on a jaw breaker. " I have to go. I'll be back soon." I disclaimed but carol didnt care. She didnt give a fuck about anything anymore.

I walked out and towards the showers. I had the prison blues so fucking bad. I was going to be in here untill I was 60, either that or I die in here. Maybe that's what I wanted. I had no one on the outside and fuck all people on the inside.

' Should i...' I thought. Fuck it.

I grabbed a long thick piece of fabric and I made a knot at one end and left the other.
I throw the free end onto a door and close it pulling on it to make sure its tight.

Tears forming in my eyes and I slide the
Now deadly fabric over my head and tighten it towards my neck. I kicked the chair and I hung..

I hung there for a while untill I heard faint screams and shouts. I didnt feel or see anything. But I heard a voice, a panicked voice. I heard the voice shout for the guards and I felt someone try to lift me while screaming still.

It was her voice. I heard carol.

𝖢𝖻𝗅𝗈𝖼𝗄. ( 𝖢𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗅 𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖷 𝖮𝖼. )Where stories live. Discover now