Chapter 2: Reese's piece's

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Your walking down the pavement in the afternoon when school finished. It had been a few hours since the fight and you can't help but wonder what happened to Vance.

You heard a rumour circulating that he got suspended for a week or so and that Jeffrey was in the hospital.

Honestly a shock that Vance hadn't gotten expelled yet. Then again, Galesburg school was the only school in the area, so there wasn't many options.


You decide to go to the local supermarket to get an after school snack to take your mind off things.

You enter and make your way to the sweets isle looking for the Reese's pieces.

You notice the radio in the store playing a familiar tune.

! Fox on the run !
! You scream and every-body comes a running... !

You begin to sing to it. You loved that song.

Just as you were getting into it you hear someone humming to same tune.

You stop cold in your tracks.

A blonde with a rocker haircut stood in your way.

The humming stops.

He glances at you, so you can't turn back. 

You don't know what to do, your eyes manoeuvre over his white shirt that still had a small stain of blood on it. You look away quickly.

He looks at you again. Eyeing the Galesburg school pin you had on your t-shirt.

He doesn't say anything, but you could tell that he was piecing things together. 

He scowls, face red and goes back to scanning the shelves.

Your face was even redder than his. Did Vance just hear you singing?

His hand snatches something in immediacy and stomps off.

You exhale.

What the fuck, was he doing here?

Wasn't he suppose to be in custody of the police? Or did they let him off that quickly? And out of all things... why was this man buying candy? You find yourself interested in him even more.

You grab the Reese's pieces you'd been itching to get your hands and head to the counter.

Fuckity fuck.

Of course he was paying now too. You'd strategized to wait a few minutes so that he could leave before you, but here he was.

The second cashier to the left of him calls you over to pay, so you awkwardly stand next to him.

You hand the candy to the employee.

"That'll be two dollars and 75c." Both employees say in unison. They look at each other and let out a grin. "Looks like you're both getting the same thing."

You look over at Vance who has a frown on his face. "Guess we are...." he says and pays for the Reese's pieces before trudging away.

Wow he actually payed for that.


You begin walking home, finally away from Vance. Or so you thought.

You decide to take the scenic route, as you wanted to catch a breath of air.

You open your chocolate and start munching on it as you walk.

Of course, as if the Universe foretold see Vance walking on the same street.

The pavement is quiet and you two are the only ones walking. Both your footsteps make a sound, grazing the concrete. 

Vance hears you and turns his head, raising an eyebrow as he stops.

You stop too about 5 metres away from him and give him a blank stare.

"What? Are you fucking following me or something?" He finally says.

You keep still.


His voice is harsh and straight forward.

You manage to get out two words, "I'm, not."

He grimaces, "then quit staring at me "he pauses, 

"and don't let anyone know you saw me."

You nod and the blonde walks off.

DUMBSHIT! Vance Hopper x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now