Chapter 3: World War One

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Its been a week and half since your encounter with Vance. 

He should be back by now you think as you enter History class.

Spoke too soon.

There he the front as always, as if he never left. You avoid eye contact with him in any way and keep your eyes on your work.

Ms Lydon calls attention to the class.

"Alright for your last project of the semester, a presentation on any era of ancient history you'd like! This can be the Inka empire, the Victorian era etc etc... you'll be put into pairs."

You raise your head in a moment of confusion till you process what she just said. 

Fuckkkkkkk in partners?

"This project is worth half of your really make it count and put in as much detail and creativity as possible. You and your partner can present this in anyway you want and will show it in-front of class by the end of the Semester."

Mrs Lydon has a simple system for group projects. She picks two names from her bucket and the two students are paired up, easy as that. She didn't allow complaining either.

Last time you got paired with Jarniby Jones, the class egghead. It wasn't that bad, considering he did all the work, he just didn't let you contribute to anything and at the end complained that you were of no help.

"Vanessa and Trevor.... Dominic and Cody...."

Collective sighs filled the class as the pairs were done and decided. 

Every so often there were cheers when two friends would be magically put together.

You hoped you'd be with one of your friends or at least someone you were mutual with. 

You sit restless pleading and pleading in your head.

Your so caught up in your wishing that you nearly miss your name being called.

"Vance and y/n..."

Your eyes go wide as you hear the students around you murmur. No way you just got paired with Vance. No fucking way.

"Ah bad luck" your friend shakes her head in pity.

You gulp.

You glance at Vance and he's staring at you. Seriously, who does he think he is...always staring angrily like that...cut me some slack ok?

"Alright,  go sit with your partner and for the next 20 minutes, discuss what era you want to cover.."

Everyone around you begins to shift and move to their partners and you don't know what to do. You stay seated and Vance doesn't move either.

"Y/n? Vance? Sit by each other please.." says Mrs Lydon.

You sigh, getting up and sitting at the desk by Vance, since it was a very small chance that he would move himself. 

He's looking down, drawing on the table, not giving you any attention at all.

How were you gonna pass History now? You needed a high grade badly.

"You again."

You swivel to him. He'd finally acknowledged your presence. He remembered you too, you had anticipated for him to forget.

You heave a great sigh, "listen...Vance." You pause in uncertainty but proceed, "I really really wanna pass this class so can you please you know...cooperate?

You wait a few seconds for an answer. 5 seconds, nothing yet. 10 seconds....

"Yeah ok."

You eye him. He sill hasn't looked at you. 'Yeah ok?' He's...agreeing? His voice was calm for once, the harshness gone and he spoke normally.

You become static, "really?! So you'll actually help?"

His eyes veer towards you. 

"Dumb shit, You're not the only one wanting to pass this" the calmness in his voice vanishes as he swore.

"Okay okay, so what do you wanna do? I don't really mind I like anything."

He looks you dead in the eye, "World War one."

You cringe, "okay anything but the wars, I don't like that sorta thing."

"You said anything so I wanna do WW1" he urges.

He looked dead serious.

"Cmon what about Ancient Greece? The renaissance??"

He doesn't say anything and you could tell there was no way you could convince him without him yelling at you. 

He had gotten into your pencil case and stolen your scissors when you weren't looking.

"Hey what're you.."

 You peer at his table and see he had carved the letters WW1 into the wood with your scissors. 

You shrink into your seat, "World War one it is then."

In the corner of your eye you see him smirk.


"So when are we gonna get this skillet done and dusted?" You ask him, you'd thrown a mini tantrum in your head minutes ago due to the whole WW1 thing, but it's no use arguing.


"My house?" You ask. You sorta didn't wanna go to Vance's house. You were afraid of what lurked in the shadows there.

"No come to mine. I'm not walking all the way to yours."


Was he really inviting you to his house?

"No longer than an hour though, don't want you invading my space for too long."

You roll your eyes, "whatever you say."

"Let's get this project over and done with as fast as we can. I got shit to do."

Shit to do? Yeah right. Like what, stealing? Beating kids up? Juvenile delinquency? You didn't say this to him out loud, though you were itching to.

"Meet me at the school gate Friday afternoon."

You raise a brow, "so what... we gonna smash this out on everyday Friday?

"That's the plan" he sighs as the bell goes and he gets up.

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