Chapter 4: The Library

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That lunch your friends approach you all quite engaged in the situation.

"No way your partnered with Vance."

"What he say to you? Was he scary?"

"He's definitely gonna clobber you."

They crowd around you like a swarm of geese and you can't help but feel like the centre of attention.

You shake your head, "guys its all fine" you reassure them, "he's decided he's actually gonna do the work this time" you pause "for some reason" you shake your head, "I'm going to his house on Friday."

Your friends worry in a collective gasp.

"Nah, that boys definitely gonna lead you into an alleyway for sure" one begins, "not that I'm trynna scare you or anything...just saying."

A feeling begins to grow inside of you. A feeling of fear. What if she was right? What if Vance was really just gonna hoax you into something.

Your stomach churns at the thought.
You get up and throw your lunch tray in the trash, "I'm gonna go to the library" you say and your friends nod.

They could tell that you were unsettled.

Your now in the library.

You sit in between two book shelves in the corner. It's squished in there, but it helps you feel at ease.

You take a piece of paper with you and a pencil. You try to draw to get your mind off things but can't help your curiosity. Your mind fills up with questions.

You find yourself drawing your dog, a golden retriever. As you do you let out a soft smile as your finally beginning to feel at ease.

That is, until you hear something thump against the ground.

It came from behind the shelf next to you.

A book had fallen. You look up and see the section of the shelf it belonged to.

Historical-Non fiction it said in bold writing.

Through the gap you see a tussle of blonde hair.

Your eyes peer closer.


You shudder and try to hide your face with the paper.

He still manages to see you.

"Oi, poochie."

You gaze up and he's looking at you with those blue eyes.


Oh...right. Your drawing of your dog was facing him.

He walks around the shelf to where your sitting and you look up at him. He's tall, you think.

You see a book wrapped in his arm.

"What's that?" you find yourself asking subconsciously.

"A book." He says in sarcasm and chucks it at you aggressively.

"Ouch!" You say as it hits you. You pick it up and read the title. The Great War.

"You're actually gonna read this?..." you ask.

He frowns, "Mhm...stashing it for Friday."

You give it back to him and he walks off whistling a tune. It sounded like a war hymn or something.

Through the intervals of the shelves you see him exit the library without borrowing it. The librarian just lets out a defeated sigh.

Guess that's what he meant by stashing.

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