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Kazuha grabs the vision again and looks away. Baizhu signals to Mina to talk in the other room. "The boy has been through a lot. I'm concerned that whatever happened put a strain on his psyche". He continues "It seemed to me like the boy was comfortable in your presence. I suggest you help him regain himself". 

Mina nods as Baizhu gives her more time off to help her patient. She returned to his room and saw him in the same position. He kept staring at the colorless vision. That only meant one thing; that its master died.

That thought made Mina very sad. It must've been someone he knew. She was very right on that. The following night a storm rolled in, waking Kazuha from his slumber. He jolts up as he hears thunder and lightning from outside. The memories from after his friend's death comes to mind. "Aagh!". 

He grabs his head as a lightning bolt strikes next to the house. "Aaagh!!!". His screaming woke Mina up as she runs to his room. She finds him on the ground gripping his head. Another bolt of lightning and a scream causes her to run over to him.

He screamed again. Mina quickly grabs him in a hug trying to calm him down. "It's ok! Everything is alright!". Kazuha slows his breathing as Mina covers his ears. The death of his friend flashed in his mind. Kazuha embraces her hug as tears threaten to come out. "I'm so sorry Tomo!". 

Another flash of lightning. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you!!!". A roar of thunder. "Aagh!". Floods of tears burst with the last bit of the storm passing. He had finally cried himself to sleep. Mina placed him on her lap as she stroked his hair.

It seemed like an anxiety attack that was triggered by the storm. Whatever happened to him created a new fear for him. In the future Mina will help Kazuha to overcome this fear. Mina helps Kazuha back onto the bed and lets him sleep. She decided to stay with him just in case he had another attack. 

The next two days Kazuha slept through and woke up on the third day. This time his eyes had a glow back to them. He didn't remember what happened and only recalled waking up in a strange room. After that it was all a blur.

Mina walks in and finds he has awoken again. "Good morning!". She was expecting not to get a response but was surprised when she got one. "Good morning?". Kazuha looked at the strange girl and the surroundings he was in. 

He then proceeded to bombard her with questions. "Woah! One question at a time! First let me look at your wounds". He nodded confused and looked at the clothing he was wearing. A loose hospital gown with some pants underneath. He quickly turned red as she approached him.

She raised her brow at his expression and immediately looked away. "I-I'm sorry but I had to remove your clothes because they were torn. Don't worry I sewed them back together". That didn't make the situation any better as both of them were as red as a tomato. 

Mina asked if she could see his chest. Kazuha gulped and took the gown off. His expression turned as he saw various wounds on him. "W-What happened to me?!". His breathing becomes uneven as Mina embraces him in a hug. He was surprised by this and instantly calmed down.

Her demeanor was very calming to him for some odd reason. She released him and saw his eyes had widened. "D-Do you feel better?". He nods "Thank you". Now that he was calm, she focused on his wounds. Kazuha closed his eyes for his dignity as she continued. 

A couple of times he would scrunch his eyes if something stung from the topical ointment. Mina was done in a matter of minutes but left his right hand bare. "You can look now". He looked at her as she also covered him with the gown. 

A/N: Hi! I don't know if Kazuha's lore said that he has a fear of storms but somewhere it said that he doesn't like storms. In this fanfic he'll have a fear of storms. It always remained him of Tomo's death.  Kazuha finally came to his senses in this chapter as well. 

See you soon! 

- Aria

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