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thirty-two more minutes, exactly. after a short sleep, ellie was back to her normal eccentric and outgoing (easily confused with annoying) self. although, this didn't deter from the fact that what was coming ahead wasn't quite welcoming to her.

the past hour had been full of laughs and giggles, of course this is what usually comes with sitting next to eleanor. (n/a ;)) before she'd gone to sleep, she'd seen eleanor start talking to someone sitting in front of her, and it seemed like they were arguing. it was something about arms and apples and...meagan? whatever it was, it wasn't out of character—it wasn't weird enough to cause suspicion.

when she woke up, the first thing ellie did was check the clock. thirty-two more minutes, exactly.

she turned to her left to find eleanor still conversing with the guy in front of her. the realisation was soon followed by a 'you're an idiot' from eleanor, and a 'go home' from the guy. eleanor turned back to face ellie and addressed the confused expression on her face.

"it's not a story you'd want to hear."

ellie nodded her head, agreeing.

"so, it turns out you've been asleep for a hundred years and i am in fact a hologram from the past. have you died of starvation? or dehydration? or are you magical?"

"magical," ellie grins. "of course. i'm not just going to die. that would be extremely rude."

ellie steals a sneaky glance at the mysterious guy slouched in the seat ahead. she couldn't see who he was, but recognised that hair. she knew she'd recognise that hair anywhere.


the next ten minutes were filled with conversations. anxious kids preparing for their week away from home, excited ones, nervous ones. ellie was indifferent to it all, along with most of her friends. she knew she'd probably enjoy it, but nothing could make her look forward to it.

the guy sitting in front of eleanor, omar, as ellie had recently discovered, turned around to face the two of them.

"i heard there are sharks in the river. i dare you to eat one."

eleanor shook her head in disgust. "i heard there are idiots on this bus. i dare you to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down."

and then that conversation died abruptly.

omar turned to his friend beside him, and ellie was desperately trying to hear what they were saying. well, she actually just wanted to hear his voice again, the voice of the curly haired one.

"i wonder what kind of ice is on...the moon...pancakes?"

ellie only caught parts of what eleanor was saying. to be honest with herself, her mind was preoccupied on something—someone—else.

"i know."

and then she heard it. his voice. it was only two simple words, but they were heavenly to her ears. after that, the guy sunk even lower into his seat, and was now invisible to ellie. she kept playing through their conversation in her head, each time trying to recreate his voice, each time failing. it was so unique, ellie didn't think it was possible to make such a sound. and that was saying something—as a musician and singer, there was barely a sound ellie didn't know. but this was different.

just one conversation, just two words, and it sent her flying.


"i really hope there's pop tarts. i really do," eleanor says sadly.

"don't worry, you'll be fine," ellie reassures.

"no i won't. i'll starve. and die."

"okay," ellie responds, "just make sure there's cake at the funeral."

"will do. how could i forget?"

eleanor walks up the bus to catch up with the others, but ellie notices a face missing. she scours her surroundings for her best friend.

"i did not! your football just happened to hit my foot and bounce in a completely different place, it wasn't my fault," emma pleads.

ellie turns around, hair whipping the side of her face, and sends a smile to her friend which is easily returned.

"that's so not true. and you know it," nicky stubbornly continues.

"nicky, shut up. we both know i'm right, i'm always right."

this statement is followed by eye-rolling and muttering. nicky turns around shortly afterwards.

ellie and emma each take another step forward. one more step closer to freedom. well, freedom from the bus, at least. then back to living hell. step. step. step.

just one more and down the stairs, before ellie's world changes forever.


oh HI. it's late. i should be sleeping. i'm not. and i'm not sorry either. and i've just realised that having another character called 'nicky' will be vv confusing. deal with it.

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