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You sent off the Jeong family the next day after breakfast, and they promised to return in two weeks if there was a positive response, which meant that you had that time to think this through. You sat with your parents in their chamber, staring at the fireplace as if the fire would blow off by your stare.

"How pleasant the Prince is!" Your mother sighed dramatically, putting a hand over her heart, "Such a charming boy!"

"Truly," your father agreed and you shrugged- you couldn't deny his charms now.

"How does it look, honey? Are they really willing to let trade flourish if the marriage happens?"

"Well, if it doesn't, they're at war," the King sounded grim, "And if they're at war... We'd have to take sides with whoever offers us the best outcome."

"So calculative," you muttered, glad no one heard you.

"My dear gem," your mother called you, "What do you think? Do you like him?"

"He's tolerable," you shrugged and your mother laughed in victory, "But ma, do we really have to? Didn't you adults have a great time? Isn't the bonding enough to allow trade to flourish and whatever it is that you want from them?"

"Oh, honey, if they do that," your father sipped on his wine, "Halaland would turn on us too."

You muttered a string of colourful curses in response, your mother giving you a warning glare even if she couldn't hear you- she knew what face you made when you cursed. "You have a good chance to get to know him, so it will be less awkward when you do marry. Make most of it."

But given your luck, nothing ever went in your favour. Halaland sent a warning troop to Wonderland's border and the soldiers there barely made it out alive, given Halaland had the most advanced weaponry out of the three nations. You worried for Wonderland genuinely, and just five days from then, your parents announced that the Jeong family was arriving to proceed with the marriage.

"But it's too soon!" You cried, "I barely got to know him, I haven't made up my mind!"

"This isn't about what you think," your mother practically screamed from her clenched teeth, "This is about war and peace, Princess. There are greater things than not getting to choose your husband. He is a good person, be thankful for that. Do not make things worse for yourself and for us. I will not allow you to have the blood of your people on your hands."

You had a good argument with your parents which mostly involved your father trying to calm you and your mother down but ending up raising his voice in anger and giving his final orders, that you will marry Jeong Yunho. There was no need for an 'or else'. You bit back your tears, pointing your finger at your parents because they were not only ruining your life but Yunho's life too, and they did not know that.

"Do not expect me to welcome you with open arms when you visit Wonderland."

With that, you were rushing to your room, falling in Mina's arms as you cried your heart out, explaining what Yunho had told you. "I feel more guilty about doing this to him. I cannot love him, and he does not deserve that."

Mina calmed you down, making you sit by the fire with a blanket around you and brought tea for the two of you. "Listen, I know it's not my place to say this, but..."

"It's okay, go on," you said.

"You could love him, one day. You wouldn't even realise. Just... I think a big part of why you won't allow yourself to love anyone is because of your parents. I think you need to put that past yourself."

"Mina," your tone was low, "He is a good guy. I simply do not see myself falling in love with him. Maybe I will, but... I don't think I'd be good to him. You know me. I'd need time to open up. And what if I don't love him? What if I don't feel any romantic feelings towards him? What if... what if he gets tired of me then? He's a man, he can go around anywhere. I'd be in the castle, in my room, wondering what it would have been like to fall in love with someone. What if an heir is demanded? What if we have to- oh god."

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