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After seeing your parents off who were taking the ship back to Eden right after the event, not really hugging your parents back, you sighed as Mina accompanied you to your room- Yunho's room. Yunho told you he'd be there in a while, asking Mina to give you company so he could wrap up everything before coming. The guards at the door greeted you and you asked for their names and thanked them before entering Yunho's chamber.

You liked the feel of it immediately- warm colours greeting your eyes. The gold in the room wasn't too bright like the one in your castle and it made you content- it went along with the browns and greens of the chamber. You looked around with Mina, very comfortable and rather tempting sofas in front of the fireplace, the window giving a spectacular view of the sea, a grand piano sitting in the corner.

"This is nice," you commented and Mina nodded, motioning to baby pictures of Yunho with a grin and you hopped along, laughing when you saw those pictures.

"He's unbelievably cute!"

"He is," Mina laughed, "Come on, let's get you settled in your room."

There were two rooms and a bathing chamber, and you were thoroughly pleased by the size and style of it. It looked like one room was mostly empty- perhaps for you to use as your room, while Yunho's room was lit with candles, plants in a corner that led to the terrace that you could access through both the rooms. The king sized bed was grand with deep blue silk sheets and you decided to sit in front of the terrace for a while, let the cool air hit and relax you. Mina gave your shoulders a little massage before she heard the door open, wishing you good luck with a suggestive wink (earning a slap to the arm as she went out laughing). Yunho cleared his throat, entering.

"I hope you like the room."

"Oh, the view's absolutely wonderful," you sighed, "I want to jump to the sea right now."

"Don't try that," Yunho warned, grinning, "Tired?"

"Very. I knew weddings could be tiring, but... I feel like I could sleep forever."

"I know," Yunho shook his head, opening his drawer and taking a box out, "I have something for you."

"Ooh," you wiggled your brows, "A gift?"

"Yep," he sat on one knee in front of you, urging you to open the box and you did, gasping-

"This is beautiful!" You gaped at him, "You know exactly how to please me!"

He gave you a victorious grin, "I noticed your love for tiny things," he said, taking out the necklace, the pendant a silver shell-shaped thing with tiny diamonds encrusted upon it, "Allow me."

Getting up, he put the necklace on you and you loved how it was the perfect length, falling right above your chest. "Thank you, Yunho. I mean it."

"Anytime," he patted your shoulders and you got up, sitting in front of the mirror and watching the necklace before going to remove the pins from your bun. "I also have something for you."

"Really?" Yunho took off his coat, hanging it in the closet.

"Not an object, but a promise- that I'll try. I'll try to be your best friend, at least. I hope we can be that, if nothing more."

Yunho smiled, coming to you and helping you take off the pins, placing it in your extended hand, "Thank you. I mean it."

You smiled at how it was a habit for you two to repeat each other's sentences in different contexts. He indicated that all the pins were out and you shook your head, moaning as you rubbed your aching scalp. "I should have never agreed with the bun."

"Well, I don't think I said it, but you looked beautiful tonight," Yunho rubbed your scalp, "I liked this look on you."

"Thank you, you didn't look too bad either," you scoffed, "Are you teasing me? You know buns are the most painful thing in the world, don't you?"

Promise | Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now