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[tw; mental and physical abuse(flashbacks)]

[these are my hc btw and my au, so ya<33]

[words: 1355]


(he/him, long white hair- almost like puffy's but with no curls- with streaks of green, one green eye, the other a discolored green with a scar over it spreading upwards over his eyebrow as well, a broken mask over his face, he was wearing the orange prison uniform, his hoodie in the chest. cuts, scars, and bruises all over his body and face. he was a demon hybrid, black tail with a spade tip, being bright green. small black to green horns growing out of his head.)  jumped awake, having just taken control from Nightmare. 

(they/them, short dirty blond hair with streaks of red, their eye color was unknown because they wore a black mask with a white smiley, they wore a red hoodie with black overalls over it. also a demon hybrid,  he had a black tail with a clubs tip, being red, of course. large black to red horns growing from his head.)

"Morning, pu$$y!" Dream wasn't paying attention, he looked up at his wrists. there were cuffs on his wrists and neck, large chains preventing him from moving- or even getting comfortable. he was already sore as well. "Dream, i did such a good job that quackity is visiting us tomorrow!~" he said it mockingly. 

Dream was sooo tired of his damn voice, his looks, and literally everything he does. "what do you mean?" Dream sounded- and was- extremely p!ssed. "oh, yknow! i just pulled some strings, now your chained to the wall and q is gonna treat you just like father is!" Nightmare smiled under his mask as he saw Dream, already scared. 

"n-nightmare- you promised that would be the ONE thing you wouldn't say anything about that-.. let alone try and get it to happen again.." "things change overtime, pu$$y.." Dream's tail curled around himself slightly. he was trying not to cry, obviously failing.

Nightmare cups Dreams cheek. "don't worry, i'll protect you.." Dream looked up at him "really?.." Nightmare smiled. "sure." 

~btw this is angsty as sh1t bc im listening to sad playlists. (time skip)~

Dream started shaking as he saw the lava lowering and Quackity 

(he/him, black hair, a beanie covering most of it and trying to cover the small wings where his ears should be, a duck hybrid, adult yet he has yellow wings. one black eye, the other white with a scar over it, dragging down and a little under his mouth. he wore a dark blue jacket, ripped jeans, a belt with a chain hanging from it.) 

walking on the platform. he looked over at Nightmare- blank mask- he looked back at Quackity who was already in the cell. 

"hey there, dream~ thought about what you've done?~" Dream looked at Nightmare questioningly before asking q. "remind me of what i did, i can't seem to remember!" Dream played along, knowing this was part of Nightmare's little game. "wellll, let's see- you k1lled tommy AND ghostbur- threatened friend- and almost k1llled your own best friends! they hate you now, Dream! y'know that?" 

Quackity paused before continuing. "oh, and let's not forget the fact that everyone on this server fvcking hates you- sam, y'know, the guy that you have loved for years, been Friend for life- he hates you! he's the one that chained you. you don't have anyone anymore, Dream. you don't even deserve your own name! if puffy had the chance she'd abuse you- and then disown you! a million times over!..jesus, you don't even have the will to try and fight back anymore. it's fvcking pathetic."

Dream looked at Nightmare, he wasn't even paying attention. he looked back at Q. "at least I don't pry at someone for a damn book even though you KNOW that i physically can't give it to you because i absorbed the book's power." Dream regretted responding immediately.

quackity took one swing at the wall, a simple warning. but it was much more than a warning to Dream, the trauma, it was all flooding back..


~start of flashback~



Dream fell from the last stair step, stumbling onto the broken glass. crying without permission. his ONE goddamn fear. he failed his own hopes of not crying. now on his hands and knees, sitting on a bunch of shards, seeping into his skin. his father had been throwing glass bottles at the steps of the stairs again, trying to hit Dream, luckily for Dream he missed nearly every shot. his father got up, Dream looked up at the tall man, his vision so foggy from the stream of tears that he could barely see the man's silhouette. 

"Did I give you permission yet, boy?" his voice was stern and cold. serious and angry. Dream shook his head, pleading the man. his father had already warned him, he disobeyed. that's how this goes. if he messes up by even an inch or disowbays he gets punished harshly.

He shakily cried out pleads. broken, desperate pleads.. he knew it wouldn't help at all. but maybe Nightmare would help. Dream was the only one that could see him and he fucking hated it. he gets blamed for everything NIGHTMARE does.

his father picked up the needle off the table, it was already ready for use. Dream cried and asked for forgiveness. but his father just told him to shut up and stay still. he did as told, sniffles and whimpers scattered as he tried not to cry. his father was sewing his mouth shut. literally.

he started wearing a mask after that. the scars are still there. puffy was the one that undid them, and only when his father went to prison for child abuse. he was getting out in a few days as well..

~end of flashback~

Dream was shaking and visibly crying. his mask almost fell off as well. he attempted to fix it but failed. he was shaking extremely badly, it was really noticeable. "aww, is dream- the fucking demon- afraid of a little noise?" Q laughed. Dream could feel himself hyperventilating. he was crying and hated how he felt. he was crying uncontrollably. he felt pathetic, contemptible, selfish, manipulative, and even worthless- it's true. everyone treated him like he was worthless. treating him like he deserves only to be a toy. 

Quackity laughed, and almost as if he could read Dreams mind, he started naming anything he could think of to make Dream cry harder.Quackity raised his axe, slashing at Dreams chest. he screamed in pain. crying harder than before. he couldn't do anything about his wound. 

Dream looked at Nightmare, he was laughing.. "you promised-!" Dream cried out to Nightmare only to be ignored. Quackity gave him a weird look. "who are you talking to? are you finally starting to go crazy?" quackity laughed at his own joke, Nightmare of course, laughing with him.

he looked at Nightmare, confused and hurt. he didn't know why he expected Nightmare to help him. "N-Nightmare- c'mon- please-!" Dream looked at him, having completely forgotten about q. "look, Dream. no one will ever fvcking love you. you shouldn't expect help. you. are. nothing." dream nodded, understanding. he wouldn't trust anyone ever again. 

Dream got surprised as Quackity took off his mask. laughing. "wait- i've actually never seen you without your mask-! do you fvcking wear it when you sleep. Dream didn't answer. he fvcking hated everything about his own face.

"oOoh! What's this from?~" he pokes the scars from the needle. Dream was already shaking again. Quackity felt his guilt catching up to him slightly. but he brushed it off. "well? how'd you get it?" Dream shook his head. "that's a little personal.." "c'moonnn! i know that you're pu$$y- but just tell meee!!" Dream thought for a moment. "not even sap or george know. let alone actually see it-.."  Quackity thought for a moment. "either you tell me what it's from or i make a new one!" 

Dream looked at him, unsure what to do. "my father." "what-?" "my father did it.." Quackity looked at him for a moment. "I'm gonna get you out of here.." Dream looked up at him, surprised.


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