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Untaimed Conqueror uses Angel power Fallen Angel Power Vampire Power God Power Demon Power Devil Power Phoenix Power and Wearwolf power to increase his speed. He begins to close in on Madara who says in his head "So you have Angel speed Fallen Angel speed Vampire speed God speed Demon speed Devil speed Phoenix speed Wearwolf speed and Dragon speed for flying the power to grow a tail from being a Lizard the power of every type of Broly Dragon Wings Dragon fire breathing what else do you have?" Madara goes faster and Untaimed Conqueror goes to the highest limits of Angel speed Fallen Angel speed Vampire speed God speed Demon speed Devil speed Phoenix speed Wearwolf speed and Dragon speed once again closeing in on Madara. However he than engulfs his body in Fire and Lightning and adds his fire breath attack. Madara evades it and says to himself "So you can also use God Lightning and Hellfire and you also have snake venom now that I know all of that I can make my move prepare yourself" Madara teleports above Untaimed Conqueror and kicks him down from above the Jungle himself and knocks Untaimed Conqueror to the ground than prepares to fight. Untaimed Conqueror grows a tail Vampire, Demon Devil Wearwolf and Dragon claws on his fingers he still has all of his speed at max from flying he increases snake speed than Vampire Wearwolf God Angel Fallen Angel Demon Devil Immortal Destroyer Phoenix Dragon Evil Broly Rage Broly Neutral Broly Warrior Broly Zombie Broly Torture Broly and Zombie speed power strength and than uses the heightened senses of Hunter Broly Neutral Broly Warrior Broly Vampire and Wearwolf power he also gets rid of his Dragon Wings and says "Your about to die Madara!"

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