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Jasmine grabs the knife and says "Veangeance is that really you?" Veangeance says "Yes it's me hide the knife somewhere and take the food" A few more guards arrive one of them calls out "Hey Frank I know she's good looking but you don't need to be a creep just look at her for a few minutes and walk away" Veangeance says "Sorry I just can't stop myself from stareing at this one she's too attractive I mean she's to" The guard puts up a hand and says "I know she's very attractive I am just saying not to be a creep all the time and do something with yourself but right now do whatever you want I guess" The guards leave. Veangeance looks back inside the cell and Jasmine is looking at him with a smile he says "What's with that look?" Jasmine moves revealing a heart with a her initials and his initials as well as the words forever Veangeance says "You are very good with a knife" Jasmine says "I can show you just how good I am with a knife if you want me to that is" Veangeance says "I will be going now bye" He runs away and Jasmine says "Come back my love I have things to show you!" Veangeance gets away and Jasmine says to herself "I love a man who plays hard to get" Veangeance enters the closet grabs the security guard and teleports close to a star where he puts the body the star destroys the body. Veangeance goes to Earth nine which survived the attack a year ago because veryone has Hyperactive Power. He enters a mansionand takes a shower washes the uniform gets dressed and eats some dinner than goes to sleep and wakes up at seven the next morning.

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