Stone Face and Guarded Heart

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For a week, Elizabeth and her father went about their regular days, training and working. Elizabeth had almost forgotten about the selection. Almost.

She woke in early morning on the seventh day and got ready like normal. She started down the stairs but stopped, realizing something. It was choosing day. She knew the choices wouldn't be broadcast until night time but she was already dying to know. The thought of getting selected scared her just as much as it excited her. If she didn't win then she would never come back.

Today, her dad had planned on taking her out to buy a good outfit in case she was chosen. She wasn't one for fashion but she was excited about the new outfit. He rarely bought her anything, especially clothes. She usually got all hand-me-downs from the neighbors or people her dad knew.

Elizabeth owned mostly boys' clothes since she didn't really like dresses and skirts and things like that. She owned no make up and only a locket on a chain to serve as a necklace. Her wardrobe consisted of dark colored jeans, army boots, t-shirts, a jacket, under garments, and a few long sleeve shirts.

She heard her father calling her name and shook her head, slipping back into the real world. She hurried out to the truck. "Ready?" He asked her. Elizabeth nodded and slipped in beside him.

They both turned to the TV as it came on. Like in Illéa, it was called The Report. It came on every Friday night to give everyone on the island the weekly news. Tonight it was to tell the rebels who was chosen for the selection.

The Report began by just saying the regular things like 'successful attack on Kent' or 'important leader killed in attack'. After a few moments they announced it. The time had come for the chosen to be named. There would be 35 girls out of nearly a 100,000 chosen.

Names and pictures began going across the screen. The first, a girl from the eastern shore. Second, some girl from the middle of no where. So on a so fourth until there were only three left. Elizabeth stared at the screen, clutching at the pillow she held to her chest. Two of the three were announced and Elizabeth got up to go get some food but froze as a picture popped up onto he screen.

The girl in the picture looked like a familiar stranger. One you knew, but didn't know at the same time. The girl had blonde hair, one blue and one green eye. She had a stone cold look on her face, almost like determination but her eyes betrayed how caring she actually was. 'No!' She thought in shock, her mouth agape. 'It can't be!'

The girl on the TV was her. She let out a shaky breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding and sat back down on the couch. The picture disappeared and they went on, ending the Report a moment later. Her father clicked the tv off and looked over at her. "Your in." He said flatly and stood up. "You leave in the morning, so get to sleep."

Elizabeth followed his cold order and stood up, walking upstairs to sleep. She changed and lay down in her bed as she stared up at the ceiling. This would be her last time to ever sleep in her bed, be in her home. She began crying and didn't stop until she passed out from exhaustion.

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