Chapter 3: Keep the Lights ON

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"Miss Kitsune?"

A little girl, about five, tugged on Kitsune's dress as she was putting away art supplies. Everyone else in the daycare had left by this point, so it was just her, the redhead, and Sun. Kitsune smiled down at the child, kneeling down to her height. "Yes, Sophie? Didja need something, sweetheart?" She asked.

Sophie tilted her head slightly. "I heard from Tyler that you caught him after he fell from the Monty playground!" She exclaimed, pointing to the play structure with the alligator's face on it. "Is that true?!"

"Heh, yep, that's true. Definitely spooked me at first, but man, am I glad I got there when I did." Kitsune responded.

"Woahhhh..." Sophie muttered in awe. "How are you so fast?! Not even Sunny could move that quick!" 

Kitsune paused, silently debating on how she should explain. She couldn't just tell the five year old she used to kill demons for a living. "Well, you see hun, mine and my husband's old job required a lot of running, being strong, and... other things. So, we had to get to really strong so we were able to do it better!" She explained.

There were also, of course, the experiments, but Sophie didn't need to know about that.

"Ohhhh, ok!" Sophie nodded.

Sun soon skipped over, crouching down. "What's going on over here, huh? Some secret talk?!" He playfully asked.

Kitsune chuckled a bit, standing up. "No, she was just asking about me. She wanted to know how I was able to save that Tyler kiddo when he fell earlier." She explained.

"I see, I see!" Sun chirped, turning to the child. "Your mama's here! Ready to go home, sunbite?" He asked.

"Yeah! See you tomorrow, Mister Sun and Miss Kitsune!" Sophie chirped, running back to her mother. After giving the two daycare attendants a wave, the two left. Once they were gone, Kitsune stretched- yawning as she did so.

"Goodness, what a day. I should be back with Jesse by now, but I already told him I'd be staying a bit later. Though I'm sure he's be expecting me soon." She stated.

The rays on Sun's head spun as he tilted his head. "Jesse?" He repeated. "I don't think you've told me about him yet!"

"Oh, I didn't? Heck, my bad. Jesse's my husband. He works as a pharmacist. Aaaand by now, he's probably expecting me soon." Kitsune explained, before looking around the daycare. She couldn't help but to grimace slightly. 

Apparently, arts and crafts today have left the place in quite a messy state. Paper of all colors was thrown haphazardly around. Crayons, markers, and colored pencils were left out on the table. Glitter and glue were stuck to the surface of the table, and Kitsune was pretty sure some was on the floor as well.

'Yeesh, Jesse would have a field day if he saw this.' She thought to himself. Apparently Jesse's neat freak tendencies were starting to rub off on her. She turned to Sun. "You know, I could help you clean up a bit. I'd feel bad if I left all of this to you." She stated.

To her surprise, Sun immediately looked... panicked, after she said that. "O-Oh! There's no need for that, friend! I can handle it on my own!" He walked behind her, lightly pushing her forward. "You should just go- you said your husband was waiting for you, yes? You should go see him! I'm sure he'd be happy to see you!" He ushered.

Kitsune gave him a confused look. "Wha- Sun, are you alright?" She asked.

"Yes!! Just- the lights will be turning out soon. And we can't have you here when that happens- it's not safe!!" 

The urgency in his voice was a bit off-putting. Unfortunately though, stubbornness was always one of Kitsune's worst traits. "I'm sure it can't be that-" She was cut off when the lights flickered off. 

Sun was immediately distressed. "No! No, no, NO!!" He screamed, before clutching at his face plate. "You.. have to.. RUN!" He pleaded, before falling over.

Kitsune was stunned for a moment. She was about to speak up when suddenly, Sun transformed. His rays retracted into his head. His face went from yellow and white to black and white. For some reason, his teeth seemed... sharper? His striped red and yellow pants turned blue with yellow stars. A nightcap popped out of seemingly nowhere which matched the pants. Red eyes gleamed at Kitsune from the darkness, making her sweat slightly.

"...S... Sunny...?"

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