7. "At 3?"

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I'm so sorry for not posting for so long I have just been caught up with school and hanging out with friends! Hopefully yall will like this one :)


Here me and Finney are, alone studying in his room. We have been friends for a long time, but I have had a huge crush on him. I have been crushing on him for a while and I think I just want to tell him now.

"Hey Finney..."

"Yes?" He turned away from his book and looked at me with those gorgeous eyes. Oh shit now I'm nervous. 

"Uhm... So like- I erm... I like..you?" I sound so stupid, and it sounded more of a question! Why do I have to mess this up.

"...What?" His eyes widened slightly.

"I like you." My body became stiff, and I awkwardly looked at him waiting for the answer I wanted.

We stared at each other for a moment before a small smile appeared on his face.

"I like you too..." I smiled and we stared at each other awkwardly. 

"Cool! Good... So wanna go on like a date tomorrow at 3?" I choked out and started picking at my nails.

"Yea of course! We could go get milkshakes, my treat!" Finney sat up closing his books and started putting away.

"Sure! Well I'll see you tomorrow?" I put my books in my backpack and started walked out of his house.

"See ya!" He watched me walk away from his house squealing on the inside. Once I was out of view, he ran inside and ran to Gwen excited about letting her know on what just happened. 

・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・

I woke up in a good mood. I had 5 hours to get ready, so I started with brushing my teeth. I was finally done getting ready and it was almost time for our date. I wore a cute pink dress that danced with the wind. When I got there Finny was nowhere to be seen. Which was weird because every time we would meet up to hangout he was always early.

I have been waiting for hours and it was going to get dark soon. I never knew he would be the type of person to do this. How could I be so stupid? Maybe hes at his house?

I ran to his house and knocked on the door until Gwen opened the door.

"Hey girl! How was the date? And where is Finney?" She looked behind me searching for her brother.

"What? He stood me up! Where is he?" I looked down at her slightly confused.

"He left at 2:30 are you sure he wasn't there?" Her face looked worried.

"I'm sure he wasn't there. You don't think that he got..." Tears started forming. No! This can't be happening.

Cliff hanger ;)

(Should I make a part 2?)

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