Mama Hemmings

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Kaitlyn nervously looked at the clock. 11:58 am. She was meeting her boyfriend Luke's mom for the first time today. She heard that she's a scary lady.

She also had a secret of her own though. Not only was she meeting a mama Hemmings but she was also becoming a mama to a Hemmings baby.

Luke and Kaitlyn met in a random bar and had hooked up that night. When she woke up at Luke's place the next morning, they talked and really hit it off and decided to date. That was two months ago and Kaitlyn had to tell him soon because she was probably going to start showing a lot soon.

She didn't want to tell him before his mom came cause she didn't want it to ruin his good mood. What if he wasn't excited? What if he didn't want a baby? Would she have to get an abortion?

She could never do that. If anything, she'd break up with him and raise the baby on her own. She would never dream of getting rid of a baby. Even if she couldn't raise it herself, she would give it to a family that could.

She bites her nails as there's a knock on the door. It was exactly 12 pm. Luke said that she was never late and he really meant it.

She watches as he opens the door and as the cute lady grips onto Luke and pulls him into a hug. "Oh baby, I've missed you so much."

"I missed you more mom." He smiles, squeezing her tight.

Luke lived in LA with his bandmates while his family still lived in Australia. They didn't get to see each other as much as they wanted to but when they did see each other again, they never wanted it to end.

Kaitlyn could tell Luke missed his mom a lot. That was mostly all he talked about. He was definitely a mama's boy and she thought it was adorable.

He pulls away from the hug and lets her walk inside before taking her bag and coat. He leaves her luggage by the door and hangs her coat up before leading her inside more. They get to Kaitlyn and she nervously smiles at Liz.

"Mom, this is Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn, this is my mom." He says, introducing the both of you.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Hemmings." Kaitlyn smiles and shakes her hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Luke was right, you are beautiful." She smiles.

Kaitlyn blushes a bit and smiles. "Thank you so much. You are too. I see where Luke gets some of his gorgeousness from."

She chuckles and pats Luke's back. "He's definitely a cutie pie."

"Mom." He groans. "You're so embarrassing."

"I'm a mom. It's my job to embarrass you. You'll get to experience and enjoy it in the future when you have kids of your own." She smiles.

Kaitlyn's heart sped up in her chest. She wasn't sure when she should tell him. Should she do it in front of his mom? What if they both get mad? His mom seemed to like her so far, did she want to ruin that so quickly?

"Kaitlyn?" Luke asks, waving his hand in front of her face.

"Sorry, what?" She says, looking up at him.

"Are you okay dear? You look really pale." Liz says to her.

"Y-yeah, just lost in thought." She stutters.

Luke gives her a questioning look as Liz repeats what she said when Kaitlyn was lost in a panic thought.

"Do you want to go grab some lunch? My treat." Liz repeats.

"Sure." She says.

Liz nods and grabs her purse and Luke puts his shoes on. Kaitlyn puts her shoes on and grabs her bag before following them to the car. She gets in the backseat and stares out the window the whole car ride into town.

Luke pulls up to a little restaurant and they all get out of the car. They go inside and get a table and then sit and look at the menu.

They order when the server comes over and have a bit of a chat while waiting for the food. It was mostly Luke and Liz catching up but Kaitlyn didn't mind cause then she didn't have to talk.

They started eating when the food came out. One whiff of her food and she felt like she was going to hurl.

Oh no, not here. Not now. Why is this happening now? She started having a silent panic attack while staring at her food.

"Babe, eat before it gets cold." Luke says, as she snaps out of own head and thoughts.

She nods and puts a bit of the food in her mouth and swallows it.

Nope, it was gonna come back up any second. Kaitlyn stood up abruptly and ran to the bathroom with a hand over her mouth.

Luke and Liz looked at each other confused and Liz got up and followed her to the bathroom. When she was finished throwing up, she washed her face off and looked up as the door opened and Liz walked in.

"Are you alright dear?" She asks, looking at her.

"Yeah, I just haven't been feeling too good lately." She says, wiping her mouth.

"I was like that when I was pregnant with my other son Ben." She says. "Every scent of food made me want to vomit everywhere."

"You know?" She asks, looking at Liz.

She nods. "Mothers know everything. It's eating you up inside that you haven't told Luke. You haven't told him because you're scared."

"I'm so sorry." She starts to sob. "I just met you today and this is happening and ruining the day."

"Hey hey, it's alright. Yes I wish you weren't pregnant yet because you've only been together for two months and are so young but you guys will get through this and be great parents." She says, rubbing her back.

"Thank you." She says, wiping her eyes.

"You need to go tell Luke, he's worried about you." She says.

She nods and walk back to the table. Liz hangs back in the bathroom for a bit so she could have alone time with him.

She sits down at the table and look at Luke. "I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Please don't hate me." She says, taking a shaky breath.

"Baby I could never hate you." He says, grabbing her hand.

"Luke, I'm pregnant." She tells him, staring into his eyes.

He sits there with a blank expression on his face for a few seconds before smiling. "I'm going to be a daddy."

"Yes you are." She smiles.

He leans over the tables and kisses her. "This is the best day ever."

"So you aren't mad?" She asks.

"No." He smiles.

Right then and there, she knew that she chose the right man to go home with that one night cause she wanted to have all of his babies.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you more." He smiles.

Luke Hemmings One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now