The First Time - Part 2

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-2 years later-

You had just found out you were pregnant with Luke's baby.

Luke game and visit again while he was on tour here and you guys hooked up again. He used a condom but it must not have worked. You had just taken a test and it was positive. In fact, you took a few more tests after that and they all said the same thing; positive.

You were having a baby. You didn't imagine having one until you were married and lived in a house with Luke. Luke still lived in LA and Australia and you lived in New York.

You weren't scared to tell him, you knew he wanted kids. He wanted to start trying but you wanted to wait. You didn't want your parents to know you had lost your virginity. They wanted you to wait until marriage. You are more scared to tell them then you are to tell Luke.

You quickly slid the pregnancy tests into your sweatshirt pocket and walked out of the bathroom. Your parents were around and you didn't want them to catch you with a positive pregnancy test, especially because you wanted Luke to be the first to know.

You walked into your bedroom as you were getting a FaceTime call from Luke. You really didn't want to tell him over FaceTime but you had no choice. You couldn't wait to tell him and he wasn't coming to New York anytime soon.

"Hey babe." He says when he sees that you answered.

"Hi." You say back and bite your lip.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah.. I have something to tell you." You say.

"What's up?" He asks.

You take one of the pregnancy tests out of your pocket and show him the test. "I'm pregnant."

"Are you for real? Is this a prank?" He asks.

"It's not a prank, it's real." You say.

He smiles. "I'm going to be a daddy."

"Yes," you smile back. "Yes you are."

"I wish I could hug and kiss you right now." He pouts.

"Me too." You sigh.

"It's okay. I'll give you extra next time I see you." He says.

"Deal." You smile.

"So, anything else new with you?" He asks.

"No, you?" You ask.

"Just band stuff. We're working on our next album." He smiles.

"I'm excited for that to come out." You tell him.

"Me too. I can't wait for people to hear what we worked so hard on." He says.

"I bet. You work your ass off." You tell him.

He nods in agreement and laughs. "Speaking of which, I have to go record. I'll call you again later?"

"Yes. Love you." You tell him.

"Love you more baby." He says before hanging up.

You smile and lay down on your bed. You put your phone next to you and stare at the ceiling. You were happy that Luke wasn't mad. You knew he wouldn't be but you were extremely happy that he was excited. You wish he was here to celebrate with you but you understood that he had to work.

You planned on visiting him soon but you weren't sure when yet. You want to see him on tour but he wasn't coming near you and now you don't know if you can travel far. I mean, you could always beg your mom or dad to go with you in case anything happens but then you'd have to tell them that you're pregnant sooner. Plus that gave you no alone time with Luke to go on dates or just hang out.

A few months later you had it all planned out. You were now 4 months pregnant and you and Luke decided to meet half way so you you both didn't have to travel far and so you could explore somewhere new. You were meeting at the hotel and you just saw him pull up. You smile and wheel your suitcase over to him and hug him when he gets out of the car.

He hugs you back and then pulls away and feels your baby bump. "Wow the baby is growing fast."

You nod. "I brought the envelope with the gender inside. We can look at it together after dinner."

"I can't wait." He smiles. "Let's go get checked in."

You nod and walk to the lobby and he checks you guys in.

You wait as he checks in and then you walk to the elevator and he takes your bag from you.

"I can take that." You tell him.

"It's fine, I got it." He says before kissing your cheek.

You blush and walk into the elevator when the doors open. You push the button to the floor and wait as it goes up and the doors open. You find the room number and unlock the door and walk inside.

Luke looks around, "This room is beautiful, just like you."

You blush. "Shut up." She giggles in a joking manor.

He smiles and kisses your cheek. "I love you."

You smile widely. "I love you too Luke."

"I love you more." He smiles back.

"Not possible." You say biting your lip.

Luke pulls you by your hips so your chests touch. "It is possible." He whispers against your ear before kissing your neck.

You giggle and push him away from you. "What should we do first?"

He thinks. "Want to grab some lunch?"

"Sure." You say and grab your purse.

He puts the hotel room key in his wallet and opens the door to the room for you.

"Thanks." You say as you walk out of the room. "Do you want to drive?"

"Sure." He says as he walks to the elevator.

You smile and push the button and waits for the doors to open. They open soon and you walk inside and push the button and wait for it to go down. The doors open soon and you walk out of the lobby and to his car. he unlocks it and opens the door for you.

"Thank you." You say as you get in. He shuts it behind you and gets in himself before buckling and starting the car.

He drives to a near by restaurant and you guys eat something quick before going to a park and watching a play of your favorite Disney movie. There was a few of the towns theater kids doing a production for free so you two decided to stay and watch. You smiled while watching the teens perform wondering what it would be like to have the baby in side of you be a teenager. Will they like Disney? Will they like singing and performing like Luke? Will they be a good kid? You certainly didn't want them to be a drug addict or a teen who gets arrested all the time for shop lifting and shit like that.

The play ends after a while and you guys just walk around the park as the sun starts to set. The play took about 2 and a half hours. You walked around the park hand in hand.

You guys get hungry after a while and leave the park and find somewhere to have dinner.

After you eat, you take the envelope out and you guys open it together.

"It's a boy." You guys cheer. Everyone around you was giving you dirty looks but you didn't care.

You were getting your little baby boy which you decided to name Hudson Xavier Hemmings.

You and Luke couldn't be happier.

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