The Butcher

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Warning Slight gore ahead and kind of disturbing for sane minds.

Jungkook closely inspected his wrist under the dimly lit low-volt yellow bulb. Like seriously? These guys are eating up the cliche. What is the problem with a tube light? At least one would be able to see properly without squinting their eyes. For fuck sake! He brought the back of his wrist close to the face to inspect his new tattoo. Hmmm...the snake looks much better than the previous three lines. Maybe he should have taken up the offer to colour his tattoos, tsk. Never mind, he can do it once he gets back home...Speaking of Home, he should finish it up here sooner.

Jungkook looked back to see the progress of his boys. All of them are still wasting their time beating up their two hostages that are hanging down from the ceiling. Kids and their little games..when will they learn how to easily make someone talk.

"Boys....its been fifteen minutes. Where is the address?"

Jungwon turned to face Jungkook at that question. His knuckles and the chain wrapped around his fist were bloody and messy. The boy was panting slightly with the exertion of all the punching and kicking he did. Blood mixed with drool was leaking steadily from the mouth of the one hanging in front of him to form a puddle on the cracked floor. The left side of the hostage's face is torn up so badly that Jungkook could swear that it is a bone poking through his chin.

"Hyung, this bastard is not spilling a shit even after getting beaten up to death." Jungkook got up from his chair with a sigh. Enough playing around. It's time to get his hands a little bit dirty. He knelt down in front of the man. His eyelids shuttered close as his senses got flooded with the fresh scent of blood. Gosh...He will never get tired of this smell. It is like a drug to his system. The more he gets, the more addicted he becomes. Jungkook tapped the cheek of the man to draw him out of the unconscious state.

"Where did you guys take the shipment to?"

The guy scoffed at the question and spat the blood to the floor below him before looking up through his swollen eyelids. "Fuck you." Jungkook couldn't help but smile at that. The swearing should have angered him, but the slurred and weak voice just made it sound funny to him.

"You know, I admire loyalty. When it is directed towards me. Against me?....not so fond of it." He stood up and turned towards his boys. " and learn." Jungkook grabbed the butcher knife from the table. "When people don't open up their mouths even after getting beaten up like this, then don't bother wasting your time." Jungkook grabbed the top of their prisoner's head and swung the knife aiming directly at the neck. The man in front of him didn't even get a second to realise what was happening even to let out a last scream. Blood drenched Jungkook's front as he stood there clutching the half-detached head hanging sideways on the cervical spine of his victim. He didn't blink twice before swinging the knife two more times and tearing the head completely off the body. The screaming and thrashing of their second prisoner filled the silenced room after witnessing the grotesque murder of his friend. The four watched in a mixture of awe and disgust as their boss threw the head in his clutch to the screaming man's face. Jungkook turned to face them. "Who sharpened this bloody knife?" His rage was met with silence. "Do a better job next time. It took me three slices to cut off a fucking head." Jungkook threw the bloodied knife back to the table and walked towards the still screaming prey of his. He wrinkled his nose at the sour smell in the air. He looked down to see a growing puddle of urine gathering near the feet of the man. poor thing. He scoffed.

"So you gonna tell me where the shipment is?"

"'s... it's ours. We produced it. Why are you doing this?"

"Hm hm...wrong answer. Jay.." Jungkook extended his arm towards his boys.

"Ah...boss, if we kill him, how are we supposed to get the address?" Jay asked weakly as he grabbed the knife carefully with two of his fingers...yuck blood.

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