They saw a new portal in front of them, a red stoned way. It was like a road in the sky. The stones were shining and they could see the road for a long distance. With a bamboozlement, Alvin asked
" What! is it? How is it possible?"
'It's for the protection of the capital. The gate can only be open from inside and the path will change its direction after a journey.' Jakas said
'Any way you guys will be in the capital within a day' Jakas added.
Alvin started to think "Which means we will be there within 12 Hours, what will I do? I should find a way to escape."
With a wonderment, Jabusta asked: Why is this stone shining, I haven't seen this stone before.
Jakas: It is one of the rarest stones in the Universe, The red Magna.
"Queen's jewel," Jabusta asked in a jaw-dropping way.
with a small smile, Jakas replied " Yes, Queen's jewel".
"But that stones don't exist anymore, if I am correct the stones were destroyed after the great war," Jabusta said.
"Oh, so you know the history, Yes most of the stones were destroyed and the king at that time with the help of the Akkara people built the gate portal with the five rarest stones and the path with this red manga.
Millions died fighting the war, for what? They all give their life for a piece of rock and now we are using it to make roads, and gates, isn't it funny? Jakas said.
Looking at the red stone Alvin said " None of them died for this piece of stone, They all died because of the hungry for power. It's the same in every world, we will say they fight for gold, land, and women, no they all fight for power. Everyone will do anything to get that power. My company sent me to study the hole because they want to show the world they are the first company in the world to understand the black hole. To show their power. When power and greed meet then its destruction."
After nearly ten hours the ship stopped with a thundering sound and some Kamaza guards came inside the ship, they had some sort of weapon in their hands and they talked to Jakas. After finishing the conversation Jakas said " We reached Capital planet. Now they will take us to the supreme king."
Then they started walking, after a while they entered a room painted white and have many sculptures.
Alvin: what is this?
Jakas: This is the room of memory. It shows every war we fight for ages. Every hero.
Jabusta: There are so many statues here.
Jakas: We had so many wars.
Suddenly the guards stopped in front of a giant door and said " You are going to enter the long hall. you should keep your mouth shut. supreme king will give permission to speak, until then keep quiet."
The door opened slowly, the guards stopped there and the three of them walked into the long hall. As the name says long hall is really long, It was a rectangle-shaped room. Both sides are filled with seats, and these seats are made of different types of stones.
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