🌸Side Stories; How Rimeri Met Y/n🌸

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3rd POV
A few years ago, during Elementary Years...

"Do we really need to go to IFWOT?" August mumbles out.

"It's the only way for us to not get expelled by Principal Paimon." Wilbur says. "I swear, he's the devil walking on earth."

"We're also doing this for Vice Principal Bimm. His reputation'd basically in our hands." Rimeri says.

"Like he's not doing it himself already?" Hailey mutters out.

"Ah, you're all here. Good... Good, good, good." Vice Principal Bimm hums out.

"Hey, Vice Principal Bimm. How's the arm?" August nervously says.

"Doing better than before." Bimm answers. "Follow me. We have to register you to the IFWOT Program." Reluctantly, they all follow Bimm to the Registration. Standing in line, they all let out a groan.

"I can't believe we all agreed to this." Rimeri groans out.

"This will be fine. Perfectly fine." Bimm mumbles out, mostly to himself than the four. "You four can go for 5 minutes without setting anything on fire, right?" Bimm turns towards the students. They quickly put out the fire orb they were summoning. Letting out a sigh, Bimm kneels down to their eye level. "I know you four have a... Reputation around school but, I just see four talented young Wizards and Witches. And I'm sure all those rumors about you are just that! Rumors! And I'm sure that one tale about you for turning the school inside out is just an urban legend."

"Ha... That was a fun day." Rimeri chuckles out.

"Let's try this." Bimm says, pulling out four toys from his robes. "This is a stress toy. Anytime you feel the urge to cause Chaos, just squeeze." Wilbur and Hailey squeeze the toy once and smiles. August squeezes a few times and chuckles. But Rimeri squeezes the toy and doesn't let go until it pops. "I see why they call you the Head Chaos already."

Finally registering their names into the Program, they all take a deep breath in and go to the front doors of the building. The banner saying 'Welcome to IFWOT' hangs above it. Fixing their name tags on their Uniforms, they look at the building with nervousness.

"Prepare yourselves, young ones. The IFWOT is a battleground of magic and skill. Witches and Wizards who successfully complete these courses have gone to do incredible things. You will face some of your greatest competition here." Bimm says as they enter the building. Immediately, they get overwhelmed with the amount of people inside. It was jam-packed with different students of different magic schools and different races and species too.

"This is very overwhelming...." Wilbur mumbles out.

"Wow. I have underestimated this place." Bimm mutters out. Suddenly, the entire place bursts into cheering.

"What's happening over there?" August mumbles out as they stand on their toes.

"Let's go check it out!" Rimeri says as they all rush to the main stage of the venue. There they stand, the three Headmasters of the most prestigious schools in all of Twisted Wonderland.

"Greetings! Students, Educators. My name is Mari Dragonspine, Headmistress of Saint Hearts Academy." Mari said, introducing herself. "And these two are the Headmaster of Night Raven Collage, Dire Crowley, and Headmaster of Royal Sword Academy, Ambrose the 63rd. But today, we're the head proctors of..." Mari turns to look at banner. "... IFWOT? Is that really the name?"

"Indeed it is, Miss Dragonspine." Crowley hums out.

"Seriously?" Mari snaps her fingers as vines crawl up and rip the banner off. "We're here to Helping Enhancing Coven Know-how. Welcome to HECK!" The crowd of people cheers for Mari. "Oh this is my first year here. And I am THRILLED! Today, you little Key Holders will go through magical exercises that will test your intelligence, strength, and creativity. Are you excited?" The crowd hoots and cheers with energy in response. "Lovely!"

"Remember, this won't be an easy task for you all, so give it your all! And don't forget to have some fun while you're here." Ambrose says as everyone cheers.

"Of course, only the best of the best will be rewarded with a Ribbon. The failures will be grounded into for my garden!" Mari says with a menacing smile.

"Um, Miss Dragonspine. That's illegal to do." Crowley whispers to Mari.

"Illegal? Oh we'll see about that, won't we, children?" Mari chuckles out.

"Now then, let the program BEGIN!" Crowley says as everyone goes their separate ways to the venues.

"We have signed a contract with the Devil." Wilbur mumbles out.

"And the only way for us to survive is to get through HECK. Literally." August mutters out.

"It'll be best if we all split up for this. That way we'll all get our Ribbons faster than a Thunderbolt hurdled by Zeus!" Rimeri says as they all nod in agreement. "All right Hex Squad, let's go!" Splitting up through the many venues, they l chose a booth where they'll be good at or easy enough to do.

August, Wilbur, and Hailey were doing just fine with their chosen Booths. Rimeri on the other hand was in a bit of a struggle to find a Booth suitable for her. The only Booth she did was the Trust Booth and she proceeded to scare everyone during the Trust Fall Exercise. A few minutes later and Rimeri is seen sitting in a corner with a cup of juice.

"How come Aug, Will, and Hails have better shots at the Booths? Ugh... I never should have come here." Rimeri sighs out as she chucks the cup to the floor, spilling the liquid on the tiles.


"!! Who's there!? I have a Cat and I'm not afraid to use her!" Rimeri says as she summons her Staff with her Palisman, Ghost.

"Fufufu. I don't know who you are but you are a riot." They soon step out and gives Rimeri a smile. A girl with H/c hair and E/c eyes. Accompanying her is a baby Snowy Owl. Rimeri sighs in relief as she tucks away her staff as Ghost jumps into her lap.

"Uh, no? I excel at functions just as these! Have you seen my disappearing act at the Trust Booth? The people loved it!" Rimeri sarcastically says. "I even LOVE their terrible snacks they serve."

"Yeah, they always give the off branded stuff junk." She says as she sits next to Rimeri on a different box. "Hey, maybe you could magic this entire thing to make it less of a drag."

"I wish! I would have done it AGES ago!" Rimeri chuckles out. "How long have you even been here?"

"Since it started." The Girl shrugs lightly. "This is my third time being here. Same boring activities, same boring people." The Girl looks over to Rimeri. "GAH!" Rimeri was covered in purple goo that seem to melt away. Rimeri chuckles as she use her magic to put all the goo back into a small bottle attached to her belt.

"'Til lil' ol' me?" Rimeri says with a smile.

"... Pft- haha! Yeah! Haha!" The Girl laughs. Rimeri gasps.

"Where'd you get those!?" Rimeri asks, pointing to the two ribbons on the Girl's belt.

"Oh! These are from the last year." The Girl says. "Maybe if you stick with me, I'll show you how to get one of your own!" Rimeri looks at Ghost before looking back up at the Girl with a smile.

"All right! I'm Rimeri Blight, and this is Ghost, my Familiar." Rimeri says, extending her hand towards the Girl.

"Y/n Wonderlin and Hooty, my own Familiar." Y/n says as they shake hands.

[Book 3] *Birds Of A Feather* •Twisted Wonderland X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now