Pennywise The Dancing Clown

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"Hey, Richie.."Stan turned around to talk with the boy but his eyes winded when he saw that there was no one behind him. "Shit. Bill", he shouted gaining the attention of the boy that was slightly ahead of him. "Richie's not with us anymore"

"What?"Bill looked around. He was right. They were the only ones on there. He pulled out the walkie-talkie. "Steve. Eddie. Richie i-is n-not wi-with us anymore"

"What?"He heard Steve shout followed by Eddie. "How did you lose him, you morons?"

"H-he must have s-seen s-something and s-stopped and w-we didn't notice"

"Great. Go out. We will look after him"Eddie said.

"No way, "Stan said hovering beside Bill. "We are not going to leave without Richie"

"You brats better do what I said. Or you would regret it."Steve said threateningly and Bill closed the station.

"We a-re n-not leaving without h-him", he said determined and Stan nodded. They just got Richie back after a long while. They won't lose him again.


"Fuch. Shit. These stupid kids" Steve said pulling at his hair. Not only was one of his kids missing. But that brats from Derry turned off the station and probably went after him, instead of leaving as he had told them.

"Stevie. Hey darling. Calm down. Take a deep breath", Eddie said softly rubbing his arms up and down.

"How can I be so calm in a situation like this?"

"I'm sorry that is nothing. Maybe Wheeler remained behind because he walked into a room. And in a matter of minutes, they would contact us and tell us that they had found him."

"And if that's not the truth?"

Eddie sighed and squeezed Steve's arms reassuringly. He knows very well how much Steve cares about these kids and he would be destroyed if something happened to one of them. "We will find him. He would be alright. I promise, sweetheart"

"I have to let Nance know. He's her cousin... She needs to know" Even if he doesn't want to. It made him feel like he was telling her that they lost him for good. Eddie nodded and Steve raised his station. "Nance. Can you hear me?"

It took a few seconds for her to answer. "Yes, Steve. Did you find something?"

"N-no. But Bill and Stan contacted me" He hesitate a little. "They told me that they lost Richie"

"What?"Nancy shouted and he could clearly hear the worry in her voice. "What do you mean lost him?"

"They said that he was with them one moment and the next when they turned around he was not there anymore"

"I'm coming in"

"Nancy. No. You need to stay there and cover your position."

"I don't fucking care about it. There's nothing here anyway. Jonathan, Argyle, and Robin are more than capable of handling it by themselves. I'm going in and search for my little brother", she said fiercely. Little brother. Not cousin. When Steve was dating Nancy back in high school and he had met Mike for the first time, he wouldn't have imagined that the boy was her cousin and that he had been there only for a few months. Until he had found the truth about Mike or Richie, he had thought that he was Nancy's little brother. That close they are.

"Nancy. You can't leave. I promise that we will find him. I swear"

"Find him. Or I swear to God, I will end you, Harrington. This was your plan and you let Mike get in that wretched house. So you better find him and he better be alright for your own good", she said darkly and Steve believed that she would kill him if Mike would e badly hurt. Or worse. No. He doesn't want to think about that possibility.

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