The Death of a Monster Part 2: The Confrontation

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"You found him?"Robin asked and Mike nodded. "That's great. Where is he?"

"He's..." Mike stopped before he could continue. He knew that if he would tell them then they would leave immediately without him. "There's no need to tell you. I will take you there"

"No way, "Everyone said at the same time. Their tone was fiercely protective. And wow. This was the first time all of them agreed on something without fighting like a bunch of kids.

"Why not"

"Because you are in the hospital, my dude"

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious Argyle. But this is not a good reason. You heard the doctor, I'm more than fine and in a couple of days I will be discharged too"

"But we can't wait two more days. We need to go now and kill him. For good this time"Eddie K said.

Mike shrugged. "I still can come with you. I can tell the doctors that I'm going to the garden for fresh air. And if that doesn't work then I will jump from the window" He said like it mean nothing. Which was kind of worrisome for the others. And not because they were on the third floor. They knew that El will use her powers to catch him. No. Because it was so easy for him to say that he would jump from the window. If only they knew. It's not the first time he jumped from high places. And Dustin knows. And El probably remembers too. Though he doesn't know if she thinks that he had jumped or was pushed.


"No. I'm the only one who knows where is he. Without me, you would run in circles and more kids would die. You either agree for me to come with you. Or... I will go by myself"

"You can't be serious," Will said 

"Oh. I'm very serious. It's your choice. You have ten minutes to decide"Mike said before he laid back down and he waited. He knew that it was stupid to go alone after that fucker and there was a chance that he would be killed. But he needs to make them, take him. Of course, there's also the option of following them. But it would be harder because he would not know when they would go after him. And more complicated. Sneaking out without being caught. Because following means no jumping from the third floor. The ten minutes were filled with the groups whispering with each other and if the situation wasn't serious Mike would have laughed because the only thing he heard is pshpshpsh. 

"Time's up", Mike said as he stood up again and he looked at his friends.

"Alright. You can come with us" Will said and Mike could see that none of them were happy about that.


So The Garden was out of the question. Not only there were a lot of patients there that can see him. But there were nurses there as well. So the only option was to jump from the window. They waited until it was dark because the outside would be empty. Mike was left alone in his hospital room as the others left to prepare for the final, and hopefully the last, confrontation with the clown. Mike wished that at least one of them would have stayed with him. Because alone he was left with his thoughts. What if the clown is not there anymore? What if is a trap? What if they won't be able to kill him? What if he would kill them? First his friends and last him to torture him. To make the screams real this time. This thought made him anxious and fidgety. He wants and doesn't want at the same time for the time to go faster.

"I'm so stupid", Mike told himself as he slapped his head. Why the fuck he was worried for? It's not the first time they fought IT and now they are even more. They won years ago. They will win now too. Plus he had seen more vicious creatures than It. Like the Demogorgon and the Mindflayer. Vecna? While uglier he was pretty similar to It. Only with more tentacles.

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