(Chapter 1) History

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In 2015 the world fell apart, disease struck, famine fell upon many. The disease killed 50% of people but they didn't stay dead for long. The times when people had to worry about their kids being kidnapped or gun violence was over because the dead where on the hunt. Back when it all started people lived in bunkers underground or if you were a high rank in any of the army or science fields you lived in warehouses and worked to make a safe place for humans. Soon after the zombies came many other horifiying  creatures that would kill you if they had the chance. In 2050 the scientist and engineers managed to build a space station that stayed in earths orbit. But only the rich could afford to live on it, the rest had to live on earth with bunkers that where falling apart and food rations running low. Soon the world falling apart was just a distant memory for some other a form of entertainment because as sick as it was people build drones a filmed the survivors fighting for their lives, and yes even dying. People adjusted to living on the station and went back to a normal life, going to restaurants, watching movies, having out with friends, school, work the norm. The ones we abandoned on earth adjusted too, quickly forming gangs, and marking territory so rival gang know not to mess around on their land. Some gangs lived in old city, towns, and in underground caves. If they could find a safe place to farm they would grow small crops like peas, berries, nuts stuff like that, along with their crops they also grew hatred for those on the space station. 


Authors note: This story will be in a first person view, third person view, and  journal entires

Journal entries will be in this fount 

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