(Chapter 7) The Night

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A couple days later Ace was laying on Liam a Kia's bed. They refused to bring her back to the Infirmary after what happened. They locked the door so she couldn't get out, not like she was gonna try for a while. Kia and Liam where gonna have a talk with the medical team about how to treat patients. Ace was laying on the bed board out of her mind, she had nothing to do. Even though she couldn't do anything too active, she just wanted to read a book or something. She didn't even know where her journal is after Liam took it from her. After a while she tried to sleep but it didn't last long since the door opened. Ace looked up to see Kia walking in with a try of food. "Here, me and Liam are gonna make sure you eat at every meal from now on." he said sitting down next to Ace. She sat up and looked at the food Kia had set on the bed then back at Kia. The meal was a light soup, chicken noodles and some veggies in a cream broth. "Can you guys at least give me something to do Im board" she said taking the spoon. "I guess we can give you something" Kia said looking around the room, thinking. He then got up and walked to the living room / kitchen area to look for something to give to Ace. He quickly found a book for her to read and a Rubik's cube then walked back into the bedroom. Ace had eaten a couple spoonfuls of soup by the time Kia came back in the room. She turned her head as he reentered the room and stretched her hands out to take the book and cube, but Kia held it away from her. "Eat at least half of the bowl and then you can have them" Kia said sitting back on the bed next to her.  "fine but can I at least have my journal back" she pleaded. "Sure, I think I know where Liam put it" Kia said going over to Liam's night stand, opening the drawer and pulling out the journal. He handed  Ace her journal along with the book and the  cube. "Thanks" she said taking the stuff. Kia took the trey of food and hugged Ace then left. Ace quickly took out the journal and started writing.


Journal Entry 

Today is umm, the... 6th of December 2150. 

right now its around 12:00 pm and I was just given my lunch. Kia brought it to me today. He gave me my journal back after what happened the other night. They still wont let me leave their apartment and I'm pretty much stuck to their bed. Ever since they brought me back, Ive been hooked up to an IV so they don't have to stab me with a needle every day. But if Im being honest, Im getting board of just sitting here. I wonder when I'll be able to roam around or go on supplies runs. If I was home I would probably be in school or some brutal training. The training they made me do was always brutal and left me on the floor panting covered in sweat.  School wasn't much better I would wake up a 3AM and stay until 1:30 AM. Im not gonna lie I kinda miss it. Back on the space station when I had days off , my parents made me train or study.  I never had any time for rest unless it was the few hours of sleep I got that night. My parents never really cared if I was tired or wanted to go play. HELL, they aren't even my real parents. I was kind of  assigned to them in a way, it's a political thing. My whole life as been a political thing, I belong to the government. I don't have a say in my life because it doesn't belong to me, it belongs to them. But I'm starting to rant and making myself sad so I'm just gonna start writing about this thing with Liam and Kia. I don't know why but I feel  comfortable around them, almost safe in a way. I don't really understand why I have these feelings but I do and I cant explain it. I'm happy around them and I like to talk to them. They always make me laugh. Liam is more aggressive while Kia is more chill and calm, but they're both kinda protective in a way. My hand is starting to feel sore so Im gonna stop for now.

-Ace Out


Ace put the journal to the side a turned her attention to the book. Picking it up she read the title 'The Witch King' by H. E. Edgmon. She opened it to the first page and started to read, she read it it for hours on end until her eyes became heavy and she started to drift off to sleep. Ace's dreams where not pleasant in the slightest, to her they where torcher. Nightmare on nightmare was all that plagued her mind while unconscious. 

A lot of gun fire rang out accompanied by screams and Ace shot up, it didn't help the panic attack already coming on from the nightmare she had. She ran into the bathroom, not caring that she pulled out the IV and curled up into a ball, she waited a listened. Eventually the gun fire and screams stoped and everything was quiet. Ace didn't move, too scared of what had happened, she stayed put for hours on hours. After some time she realized that Liam and Kia haven't come back, and it was past dinner. She was worried and wanted to make sure they where ok. After much debate she decided to go and try to find them, not just to make sure they where ok but also because she needed the comfort of being around them. Shaking she got up and walked to the front door and opened it. Outside everything looked find, so she cautiously made her way down the streets looking for anyone who could help her. She came across the garage, she went in and looked around at all the cars they had. Something moved behind her, Ace turned around but there was nothing there. Her heart beat started to pick up and her breathing became erratic. She looked around trying to find somebody but there was no one there. The saw a door leading outside and thought maybe somebody was outside. Ace walked out but not too far from the door and took a look around only to find nobody was there. Deciding to head back inside she turned around, but the door was slammed shut before she was able to enter.

Petrified she took off running north to that abandoned mine. She thought something was behind her, Ace could hear the footsteps. She ran and ran, never stopping to catch her breath she continued into the night. After a few hours of running she made it to the mine and found a safe little hiding place in an old box. She panted trying to get air in her lungs. Ace tried to get some sleep but the constant sounds of the night kept her awake. 

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