(Chapter 4) Comfort in the Nightmare

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Today is November 30th, 2150. This whole bite is hurting like a bitch. Despite the fact Im in the infirmary, I still in immense pain because the bite is still infected. They did give me antibiotics to help with it but that's all they can do for now. Im not allowed to get out of this bed unless someone is here , something about I could collapse again or if I fall I won't be able to get up again until someone comes to help me. That whole experience last night was a lot for me, I haven't told anyone because no one would care but after they left I had a panic attack again and basically cried my self to sleep. They come back very time I have to eat with food for me and them and they'll sit there and watch me eat, but honestly my appetite was never good to begin with and now I just don't wanna eat at all. I know if I don't eat at all they'll be mad at me and probably do something similar to what happened with the shot last night, so I try to eat a little so they aren't as mad. I know Im stupid for not eating but I just can't help it, I was never really able to tell when I was hungry back on the space station so I would eat maybe one time every couple of days. That was only because someone would noticed I haven't eaten and ask me why and make me eat with them. But now they are literally watching me eat to make sure I do eat at every meal. We would talk durning meal times and they have told me a lot of stuff about where I am who they are and all that kinda stuff. So I am in a abandoned mall that they turned into their base that's in a town that was at one point know as Manchester NH. They also told that they are not a gang more of one of the top mafias, gangs have decreased in popularity as more people. realize that having a mafia is much better. I also found out that they are the leaders of said mafia. There has been a lot of commotion outside the infirmary and I don't know why but its kinda freaking me out. I think they are bringing someone in so for now

-Ace out


Ace put the journal down next to her and rested her head on the pillow. She stayed like that for a few minutes before the door flew open and a flood people came into the room. It was loud and she was scared because of all the commotion. Soon only the medical staff stayed in the room and on the bed there was a boy maybe around 17 years old striped to the bed. He had a large cut on his head and bite marks all over him, the one on his neck was especially deep. Blood was everywhere and he was honestly looked dead like a zombie. The kid was screaming bloody murder trying to get out of his restraints. The medical staff was working around his flailing to clean all the bites. Ace couldn't look away, she was shaking out of fear and her breathing was becoming unsteady but she still couldn't look away. The door opened and Liam and Kia walk in and went to the bed of the boy that had been brought in and began talking with the doctors. When the boy suddenly got out of his restraints and jumped on Liam. The two struggled against each other but in the end Liam managed to hold him down while the doctors redid the restraints. Kia looked over and saw that Ace was having a panic attack and imminently went over to her. He stood in front of her to block her view of what's happening. "hey breath, its alright" he said pulling up a chair. Ace was still scared but tried her best to do as he said. It took a couple minutes but she did it, she was still shaking and crying but at least she could breath better. Once the boy was fully restrained and sedated Liam came over to check on Ace. He knew she was having a panic attack but couldn't do anything until the kid was knocked out. Liam stood next to kia and looked at Ace and said in a caring tone "Its alright we won't let him hurt you". Ace nodded and tried to push her head into the mantras has she started to have another panic attack. Kia pulled her into a hung to calm her down, Ace started to feel safer and calmed down again. One of the doctors came over with the injections she needed, this time there was two because every one was so preoccupied with the boy that they had forgotten to give her the shot. Liam and Kia were not to happy with that, but Liam took the two injections and asked for her arm. This time too scared to reject or fight against it she willingly gave her arm to Liam. He took her arm gently and carefully put the first injection in, he noticed that flinched when it was put in and was still crying. He did the second one and then sat down next to his husband, because yes they are married. They sat with Ace waiting for her to fall asleep but noticed she was fighting going to sleep. "Why aren't you going to sleep" Kia questioned. "Im scared that he'll wake up and get out of his restraints and try to kill me or something" Ace said has her breathing became unstable again. The two looked at each other then back at her. "You can spend the night in our room if you'd like" Liam offered. Ace knew she didn't want to stay in here with the kid she just saw try to kill Liam so she nodded. Kia picked her up and Liam grabbed her journal, before they left Liam grabbed an IV bag that had the meds that were in the injections init. Normally one of the doctors would come in and giver her the injections hourly through out the night but since she's spending the night in there room its easier to have an IV. They left the infirmary and walked down toward their room. Well it wasn't just a room, it was more like an apartment almost every store that was in the mall was renovated to be its own apartment for a family. There were five bigger stores that were being used as stuff like the infirmary or a garage. They got to their apartment and and went straight to their bedroom. Kia put Ace on the bed while he helped Liam take out a spare mattress  and put it on the floor in the corner of the room. They put some sheets on it and some pillows, then Liam picked Ace up and put her on to the bed and helped her get settled. The he said to Kia "can you bring me the IV and the IV poll in the closet". "Ya sure hang on" Kia said has he went to get the stuff. Liam turned to Ace and looked at her and how frail she was he and Kia have been so worried about her and hate to see her this frail. Kia came in and handed Liam the IV while he set up the poll for it. Since Ace had her eyes closed Liam said in a soft tone "Im gonna put an IV in that has the same drugs in the injections so we won't have to give them to you through a shot ever hour. Ok?" Ace nodded and opened her eyes and watched the needle go into her skin lightly flinching as it did. Liam inserted it and then wrapped it with bandaged to hold it in place while Kia go her pill ready. Liam went over the the bed and sat down on it and watch Kia and Ace. Kia had the pill and in one hand and a cup of water in the other. "Take your pill" he said as he knelt down in front of her. She shook her head no but then felt herself being brought into a sitting position, looking over her shoulder she realized it was Liam. "your not going to sleep until you take the pill, and Im not going to let you lay down either" he said looking at Ace. She knew that she's not going to win this one so she took the pill and Liam let her lay down again and soon they all fell asleep. 

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